Read the full card before you get an opinion. Because you don’t have to use that ability if the enemy attacked you last turn. That hunter made a huge mistake coming to you, and now you’re going to bash its head in. Consider it at a cheaper, more specialized machete that pairs especially well with your power and level zero guard dog.
자산. 손
물품. 도구. 근접.
비용: 2.
다니엘라 레예스 덱 전용.
‘정비공의 렌치’를 소진합니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 하나를 선택합니다. 그 적이 당신을 공격합니다.
: 전투. 당신의 지난번 차례 끝부터 지금까지, 당신을 공격했던 적을 대상으로만 이 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. 당신은 이번 공격에서 +2 을 얻고 +1 피해를 줍니다.

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Notably, Mechanic's Wrench does NOT have the Weapon trait, so no finding it with Prepared for the Worst/enchanting it/etc.
Important notes for understanding the value of this card:
The action on the card can be used outside of your turn during any window shown in pg.23 of the rules reference, including after a hunter moves but before it attacks.
The action combined with Daniela's ability can allow you to automatically evade an enemy engaged with a squishy teammate without spending the action to engage it. This can be useful on hunters with preferred prey.
When the enemy attacks you due to the action on this card, that enemy does NOT exhaust.
The Fight action can still be used when the wrench is exhausted.
Overall, it's not an incredibly good item, but it does let Daniela make significantly more out of her ability. The more soak you have and more you like being attacked, the more appealing this item gets, but it's not nearly on the level of many unique items like Monterey Jack's absolutely insane whip. In some situations, it's safer to get that enemy off someone with 100% certainty at the cost of taking one hit from it. However, for the majority of enemies (especially those that deal horror), your ideal course of action is still to kill them before they hurt anyone.
Hola, me parece potente la carta pero tengo 2 consultas sobre la llave de mecanico: 1 ¿puedo usar la accion de combatir despues de agotarla? 2 ¿que significa "COMBATIR: Usa esta capacidad únicamente contra un Enemigo que te haya atacado desde el final de tu último turno"?, ¿es decir que puedo COMBATIR con la llave recién en la siguiente fase de investigadores después de que un enemigo me haya atacado??? Entiendo que al final del turno implicaria recibir un ataque en la fase de enemigos, mantenimiento y mitos, para que pueda combatir con la llave en mi siguiente turno. Por favor si me aclaran algunos escenarios de uso de esta accion. Gracias