에이미 켄슬러 박사
생물학 교수


조력자. 미스캐토닉. 결연한.

비용: –.

체력: 3. 정신력: 4.

Partner. Uses (3 secrets).

During your turn, spend 1 secret and exhaust Dr. Amy Kensler: Investigate. Investigate with a base skill of 6. If you succceed, look at the top card of any investigator's deck or the encounter deck. You may discard that card.

"The beings that built this place... did they create this, too?"
Drazenka Kimpel
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #93. 치명적인 신기루 #51.
에이미 켄슬러 박사


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