로얼드 엘스워스
용감무쌍한 탐험가


조력자. 미스캐토닉. 여행자. 결연한.

비용: –.

체력: 5. 정신력: 2.

Partner. Uses (3 supplies).

During an investigator's turn, exhaust Roald Ellsworth or spend 1 supply: Choose a non-weakness in play. Treat that treachery's text box as if it were blank until the end of this turn.

"I thought I knew this place. I really did."
David Chen
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #94. 치명적인 신기루 #52.
로얼드 엘스워스


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I do not understand why the resolute versions of Roald and Avery should have 2 fewer Uses compared to their normal variants. Is it just a typo or working as intended?

The other partners do not feature this reduction in functionality.

I loce the effect on Roald, by the way. Very helpful.

ycarium · 2
Non-resolute version lasts until the end of the players turn; resolute version lasts until the end of the turn. So with the resolute version you can blank a treachery for up to four players instead of one. — Soemann · 1
Thanks, this makes sense. I am playing mostly true solo, and therefore did not pay attention to this detail. — ycarium · 2
Please check the cost of both version. Normal version requires both exhaust AND 1 supply, but resolute version requires either exhaust OR 1 supply. — elkeinkrad · 496
Avery works differently. In normal version, you should reveal new token as an replacement of frost token. In resolute version, you can choose to reveal replacement token not to spend supply, or spend supply without replacement token. — elkeinkrad · 496
Note that @Soemann's description is wrong; both version states "until the end of this turn", so that both version blank only 1 turn. — elkeinkrad · 496
I made the exact same mistake, (why is this 3 and not 5). What a difference "or" makes :-P — NarkasisBroon · 10
Whoops, my apologies. I must have gotten confused somehow. -.- — Soemann · 1
You can theoretically blank the treachery for every investigator's turn by spending a supply for each player and exhausting the for the last player's turn. — dscarpac · 1128