Fun combo with Painkillers: A fast action on Painkillers to heal a damage then triggers a reaction on Surgical Kit that heals the horror cost, and you draw a card! This seems counterintuitive in Vincent Lee with his low sanity, but it works AND he can add an On the Mend to his own hand.
물품. 도구. 과학.
비용: 2. XP: 3.
사용(소모품 4개).
당신의 카드 효과로 조사자 한 명이 피해를 회복할 때, 소모품을 1개 소비합니다: 해당 효과가 추가로 피해를 1 더 회복시키게 하거나, 당신이 카드를 1장 뽑고 공포를 1 회복합니다.
: 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명 또는 조력자 자산 하나에게서 피해를 3 회복시킵니다.
Mauro Dal Bo
진홍색 열쇠 조사자 확장 #56.

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I stumbled into this combo completely by accident with my latest vincent deck and its great.
· 295
For the latter option: you draw 1 card and heal 1 horror, this mean that heal damage effects can heal 1 additional horror and the owner draw 1 card, or just the owner heal 1 horror from him/herself and draw 1 card?
The owner heal 1 horror from him/herself. I think it is supposed to mean that by performing the heal with a professional kit, it also calms the doctor down to be more mentally confident?
· 10826
This card explictly states *you*, and *you* is the investigator which triggers that ability (in general, the controller of that card, no the owner). You can find the related rule interpretation here( In this case, the second bullet is profit.
· 499