- Q: I have question about cards with limits like Katja Eastbank. Can you use her reaction abilty when there are 5 cards beneath her - in this case could you discard 1 one card beneath her and replace it with newly drawn card ? Or this is forbidden and you can't use her ability when her limit is reached? A: No, you can’t use Katja Eastbank’s ability while there are 5 cards beneath her. Her ability does not function like shifting slots. (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)
카챠 이스트뱅크
비전 지식의 수호자
자산. 조력자
조력자. 학자.
비용: 3. XP: 2.
당신이 자신의 덱 맨 위에서 약점이 아닌 카드를 1장 뽑을 때, 그 카드의 어떠한 효과도 해결하기 전, ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’를 소진합니다: 그 카드를 ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 놓습니다(‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 있는 카드는 5장 한정). 그 카드를 대체할 카드를 1장 새로 뽑습니다.
: ‘카챠 이스트뱅크’ 밑에 있는 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Another action-intensive but potentially useful application would be in Patrice when you draw an card that you can't afford to pay for in your current turn that you don't want to discard when the turn ends. With Katja, you can put that card under her, then draw and play when you need it in the future.
Background: I played Katja Eastbank in a Stella Clark deck with emphasis on Dilemmas. We played a two-player campaign of Path to Carcosa and Stella joined the campaign after the Asylum. My partner played Joe Diamond.
Katja Eastbank was a great addition to the deck. Stella Clark's character ability offset the action cost of Katja Eastbank when accessing cards beneath her. We were able to put dilemmas beneath Katja when the situation was not favorable and activate them later on. However, Katja was even more useful when drawing situational cards such as a second .18 Derringer or Old Keyring while the first one was still healthy. Here, Katja Eastbank basically saves that card for later and provides you with an additional draw.
I think Katja Eastbank is particularly good in decks which include strong but situational cards. "Situational" cards are not limited to high-impact Dilemmas such as Fickle Fortune but may also be cards such as End of the Road, assets with expendable charges for later use, and Alter Fate, just to name a few. Stick these cards to Katja Eastbank, building up a strong selection of cards for later use, and draw into your economy, skills, or general-use events earlier.
This card has "Dilemma enabler" written all over it. Certainly the first card I'd upgrade into if I were playing a Dilemma deck. Also 2 stamina and 2 sanity is a great soak. 3 cost and 2 EXP is a moderate cost for the effect, but I don't think you would want to pay it if you have no Dilemmas in your deck. You can view this card as an "additional hand", somewhat safe from hand-milling effects... But it is a very slow second hand then.
This is not a card added casually to a deck. It's a main ally for a specific niche use. If the draw ability was a free trigger, this would be a good card that could fit in more decks. However the action hit to draw a card that was already drawn (either during the investigation or upkeep phase) is a huge action sink. Also offers no skill boots as other 2-3XP allies do.
Actions are the most valuable resource in the game, and spending one to draw an already drawn card is detrimental to the player's ability to advance the game. The benefit of holding onto the card must therefore outweigh the action cost of choosing when to draw it. It's probably intended for Dilemmas since they trigger immediately on drawing them.
But this comes in a class with all the recursion tools to play/recur cards from the discard pile. If it's used to hold cards in excess of the maximum hand size, why? A niche card that may have some specific use cases (Patrice perhaps) but otherwise is detrimental to most investigators who could better spend an action keeping ahead of the Agenda. She would've been better if she held only one card but it was a free trigger to draw it.