People think that this card is a trap, but I am considering it to use with Akachi (5 charges for 0 resources and one action). Even if you don't have the actions to milk it, it can be converted to resources with spirit speaker or used to pay angered spirits.
자산. 마법
비용: 0. XP: 2.
사용(충전 4회).
‘연금술 변환’을 소진하고, 충전을 1회 소비합니다: (0)를 테스트합니다. 성공하면, 난이도를 넘어선 차이마다 자원을 1개씩 획득합니다(최대 4개). 이번 테스트 동안 , , , , 기호가 공개되면, 피해를 1 받습니다.
Andreas Zafiratos
돌아온 카르코사로 가는 길 #7.

연관된 카드
- Alchemical Transmutation (The Path to Carcosa #32)
No faqs yet for this card.
Use this with Dexter and Rogue skills, as it’s an on demand 0 difficulty test.
· 13029
I actually love this card. I use it in a Sefina deck with Watch This and Double or Nothing to generate a heaping pile of resources. The test of 0 is extremely important for getting the absolute most out of it.
· 1645
I've done this and it works great. I took versatile to get at double or nothing and save actions, but this is also a good option when you're going to use rite of seeking and don't want to risk ending your turn early.
· 8
It occurs to me that as a difficulty 0 test, this can only be failed with the autofail token... no matter what difficulty you're playing on, and no matter how bad of a negative modifier you draw. Are there any combos out there that would profit from a near-unfailable on-demand test? Only thing I can think of is Daring Maneuver to (nearly) guarantee Rogue oversucceed rolls.
· 741
This card is considerably better when you're using it in a Sign Magick deck. You don't need to waste actions activating this anymore, just use it in conjunction with a spell you're already using! The same can be said for other under-used spells such as Clarity of Mind etc. That's more of a note about Sign Magick, but it's still worth mentioning!