자산. 마법


비용: 3. XP: 1.


사용(충전 3회). ‘주의 돌리기’에 더 이상 충전이 없으면, 이 카드를 버립니다.

‘주의 돌리기’를 소진합니다: 회피. 이번 회피 시도에서 당신의 능력값에 당신의 값을 추가합니다. 당신이 ‘난이도를 넘어선 차이 2 이상으로 성공’하지 못했다면, ‘주의 돌리기’에서 충전을 1회 제거합니다.

Owen William Weber
돌아온 카르코사로 가는 길 #6.
주의 돌리기


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I think this is great card for Wendy Adams. her stat is 4 & 4, so Suggestion test starts 8. Additionally, Moonstone gives 1 & 1. 1 Moonstone = 10, 2 Moonstone=12. This stat help to overcome difficult evasion attempt including first action Quick Learner, and trigger "success by 2 or more" effect.

Of course, this is also good for Sefina/Akachi who want to use Suggestion 4lv.

elkeinkrad · 499
My only concern with using this with Wendy is the 3R and that she can get to 6 or 7 Agi at which point she could evade almost anything without it. For example she could have any combo of Moonstone, Tarot, an ally (Cat or BMOC) or the Trench Coat. She could take an asset like the Trench Coat that gave her some extra soak instead of Suggestion. Jenny loves this card though. — The Lynx · 980
Sefina can use it to dig cards out of the depths of her deck without having to draw her weakness with LCC (3) — Zinjanthropus · 229
A great choice for "retiring" non-Elite enemies with Kymani — Amante · 10