자산. 손

물품. 도구.

비용: 1. XP: 2.


: 조사. 당신이 위치한 장소는 이번 조사에서 -1 장막값을 얻습니다.

‘랜턴’을 버립니다 : 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 적 하나에게 피해를 1 줍니다(또는 그 대신, 피해를 1이 아니라 2 주기 위해 ‘랜턴’을 게임에서 제거해도 됩니다). 이 행동은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.

Ilich Henriquez
돌아온 카르코사로 가는 길 #9.


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Pay 2 exp for the privilege of removing this from the game, preventing yorick from recurring them. Seems bad, but then I've never tried out the base versions of these cards, so maybe I'm terribly underestimating them.

mannerpots · 2
Also makes it one resource cheaper, so if you are planning to recur them it saves you a resource per time you play it. The way i see it this upgrade is "either recur this for half the price, or if you werent gonna recur it you can use it for double effect" — NarkasisBroon · 10
Or you get the best of both worlds and recurse it for -1 resources until the last time you use it and cash in that sweet bonus. No matter how much recursion a deck has, it only does so a finite number of times per game. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
A card that costs 1 can enter a Dark horse build. — AlexP · 255
Its 2 exp for a 2 Int icon card you can get back with scavening. — Zerogrim · 295