자산. 손

물품. 도구. 무기. 근접.

비용: 1. XP: 2.


: 전투. 당신은 이번 공격에서 +2 을 얻습니다.

‘묘지기의 삽’을 버립니다: 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견합니다(또는 그 대신, 단서를 1개가 아니라 2개 발견하기 위해 ‘묘지기의 삽’을 게임에서 제거해도 됩니다).

하지 말아야 할 일인지 알지만, 파는 것을 멈출 수가 없다.
Matt Bradbury
돌아온 카르코사로 가는 길 #10.
묘지기의 삽


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I used this card with Rita Young in a 3 player campaign and it was great! It is comparable to Scene of the Crime in grabbing two clues, but is more flexible without the first action and enemy restrictions, and the fight bonus can be used to kill an odd health enemy here and there.

jmmeye3 · 629
I think two player is the best spot for this card since most locations will have 2 clues. Rita is a good shout since she's limited in clue getting and can actually enjoy the combat boost of this weapon quite a lot. I think it's coolest in Yorick since you can recur it cheaply. Works well as a backup weapon for 1 and 3 health enemies. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
I also really like this as a backup weapon. Yorick is also the best but grabbing 2 clues and removing from the game is also pretty awesome. The other awesome part is that it has two Combat skill icons. Yorick plus Yaotl were awesome with the L2 Shovel, L2 Vicious Blow and Overpower. — The Lynx · 980
I’m playing through The Circle Undone right now three handed, with Rita being a flex leaning towards fighter, and this has been the perfect off hand weapon. It’s actually been one of the most fun decks I’ve played. Running Hatchet (amazing in Rita) as a main weapon with Shovel and Dirty Fighting. A really cheap +2 fight to finish enemies off that don’t get killed by Hatchet+Rita evade damage is just perfect, and because she doesn’t always need it you can throw it away for 2 clues to help the team. So much fun. — bsj06a · 6

How does the 2 clue getting ability of this interact with ad hoc. Ad hoc stats you can ignore all cost. According to the rulebook, everything before the colon is the cost. No technically the removing from game effect ist after the colon, but it also states "instead" impying that the removing from game is actually the cost. Does this mean I can actually simply discard this with ad hoc and get 2 clues?

Xetolosch · 3
It's still part of the cost, even if appended that way after the colon, so you ignore it. See also: https://arkhamdb.com/card/08080 — AlderSign · 314
For about a year we didn’t have an answer to that question, but the latest FAQ clarified that “ignoring all costs” can never ignore effects that remove cards from the game or exile them. — Eudaimonea · 5