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These past few weeks, the warehouses and docks of Rivertown have been swathed in grey mist, making an already quiet district even more empty and desolate.
장막: 2. 단서: 0
: Move any number of breaches from Rivertown to the current act. Then, test (X), where X is 1 more than the number of breaches moved. For each point you fail by, either take 1 horror or 1 damage.
Cristi Balanescu
돌아온 끝맺지 못한 의식 #51. 돌아온 혼돈의 손아귀에서 #3.

연관된 카드
- Rivertown: Abandoned Warehouse (Return to the Night of the Zealot #30)
- Rivertown (Core Set #125)
- Rivertown (In the Clutches of Chaos #292)
- Rivertown (In the Clutches of Chaos #293)
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