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If you didn’t know any better, you would think Southside was a ghost town. All of the residents have retreated into their homes and locked their doors. The only light you see seems to be coming from the Catholic church to the south.
아컴. 중심부.
장막: 3. 단서: 0
: Evade. Use this ability on any enemy in play or in the encounter discard pile. If you fail, that enemy attacks you (even if it is not in play). If you succeed, instead of evading the chosen enemy, move all breaches from Southside to the current act.
Cristi Balanescu
돌아온 끝맺지 못한 의식 #52. 돌아온 혼돈의 손아귀에서 #4.

연관된 카드
- Southside: Historical Society (Core Set #126)
- Southside: Ma's Boarding House (Core Set #127)
- Southside (In the Clutches of Chaos #294)
- Southside (In the Clutches of Chaos #295)
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