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폭로 - ‘안개의 부름’을 플레이 영역 중 당신의 위협 영역에 둡니다.

강제 - 당신이 난이도가 4 이상인 능력 테스트를 개시한 후: 피해를 1 받습니다.

: ‘안개의 부름’을 버립니다.

Nele Diel
스텔라 클라크 #3.
안개의 부름


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This has been updated to match my "Signature Weakness Project." I have done my best to make sure that the original content isn't altered too much, out of respect for any comments.

Another flavorful signature weakness. Looking at the two elements, the effect and the discard condition, we get:

The effect: Stella takes a damage if she initiates a test of 4 difficulty or higher. The Encounter Deck isn't shy about tossing out 4- and 5-difficulty tests, and it's pretty easy to get into a fight with Enemies with a 4 Fight and/or Evade. In Solo, the is just enough of a cost that you have some serious thinking to do when this pops out of a Rabbit's Foot draw....

The discard condition: . That is all. It does get discarded, but Stella is not all that likely to deck herself.

All in all, this is a below average signature weakness. it shuts down Stella's shenanigans until you can clear it, but it is unlikely to cost you the scenario or campaigns.

It also punishes you for using Drawing Thin. Which is probably fair, because Drawing Thin is pretty bonkers in Stella. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Drawing Thin is bonkers period. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
True. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't bonkers outside of Stella. — Zinjanthropus · 229
No for sure, it is at a certain peak in Stella. — StyxTBeuford · 13029