If a token is drawn and the additionally drawn token then causes you to fail the test, drawing the encounter card takes place during step 7 of skill test timing, before committed cards are discarded and tokens are placed back into the chaos bag. If that encounter card has you performing a skill test, that entire skill test will also take place during Step 7. Once that skill test has fully resolved, proceed to Step 8 of the original skill test - see FAQ 1.0, section 1.4, nested sequences..
- Cards that trigger 'after you fail a skill test' (such as Rabbit's Foot or "Look what I found!") can't be played until the nested sequence is completed, as the first skill test is yet to complete - see FAQ 1.0, section 2.2, timing of 'If' and 'At' abilities.
Easy / Standard
: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the agenda deck.
: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.
: -3. If you fail, deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.
: -4. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.
Carnevale of Horrors - Back
Hard / Expert
: -2. This token has an additional -1 for each Innocent Reveler underneath the act or agenda decks.
: Reveal another token. If you fail this test, draw the top card of the encounter deck.
: -4. Deal 1 damage or 1 horror to the nearest Innocent Reveler in play.
: -6. If you fail and Cnidathqua is in play, it attacks you.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Not a review or anything, but having mentioned this via the GutHub link at the bottom of the page, which seems to have gone unnoticed, I'll mention this here in the hope of correcting an error.
The encounter set included in Carnevale of Horrors, is actually called 'Carnevale of Horrors', not Venice as listed here on arkhamdb.