Using this directive means there is no point in Roland using police dogs in the extra ally slot. As the dogs only bite after they have been assigned damage.
Brother Xavier: Pure of Spirit is also made worthless.
The dog for sure. But Bro Xavier could still be asigned damage and horror from other investigators though.
· 372
A card that actually makes "Something Worth Fighting For" look pretty good.
· 131
You could take the front but not the back of parallel Roland and add Agency Backup? Not sure that effectively saving 3xp on Charisma is really worth the regulation, but if you're not planning on using the allies to soak anyway maybe nbd.
· 7
How would this affect allys that have a trigger that deals damage directly to the ally? e.g. #grete vagner or #beat cop[2]
· 84
Similar question here.
Rick Dreckitt
· 1
For the people asking about Grete or Beat Cop: those still work fine. They deal themselves damage as part of their effect, the damage is not assigned to them.
· 299
Can anyone answer how this directive interacts with The Black Cat or Key of ay's?
· 1
Black Cat would work fine for the same reason as Beat Cop and Grete Wagner... it takes direct damage, it's not being "assigned" damage that was otherwise dealt to you. And Key of Ys isn't an Ally, so it's unaffected.
· 740