요원 수칙
철저하게 조사할 것


비용: –.


로랜드 뱅크스 덱 전용. 영속.

규제 - 당신은 라운드마다 세 번 이상 전투할 수 없습니다.

조사/회피/협상 도중의 능력 테스트 동안, 이 ‘요원 수칙’을 소진합니다: 당신은 자신과 교전한 적마다 이번 능력 테스트 동안 +2 능력값을 얻습니다.

Adam Lane
수칙대로 #25.
요원 수칙


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Just a small observation from putting together a deck for Roland using this Directive: the restriction that you cannot fight more than twice per round doesn't prevent Roland from using other actions that deal damage.

So feel free to use Dynamite Blast. Or pull out your Kukri and after hitting with a fight action, spend another action to do one more damage. Not the most efficient compared to a .45 Automatic, however if Roland is going to be stuck with an enemy he could rack up three damage in one turn for his three actions and not waste any ammo.

If you using the parallel back for Roland, go ahead and use your +2 bonus to first evade, then play a Sneak Attack to deal damage (and have it be free if you are paired with the correct directive).

ricedwlit · 3
"Due Diligence? What the hell is that? I got Dynamite!" -- Roland Banks, Federal Officer — fiatluxia · 67