Conversation Starter (help me) EXPERT. GROUP.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

brerlapine · 19

Clue Getting. Expert. Group. No-horse.

I have loved every Preston deck that I have seen on this site and I wanted to add something to the conversation. Some great Preston decks are that have expanded my mind are:

The key difference to this deck is the added combo of skeleton key and lantern. Why spend the money when you can simply make it free?

Key components to this engine going is skeleton key, lantern, high roller, with Lola and lucky dice as extra.

How to collect your oodles of money:

For the high shroud locations:

The key idea is to use High Roller to remove the funds from well connected on a skeleton keyed (The Skeleton Key) location with your investigation. The shroud is low so the chances of failure are slim (especially if you have Lucky Dice). The money then is deposited into your bank, saving you the action. In addition, I heard that Lola Santiago can be activated when the shroud is at zero to take a free clue (is this true?).

Low shroud locations (2-3 shroud):

Purposely fail. Take Heart that you will fail and to "Look what I found!" That will net you 2 cards and 2 clues (zero loss on resources).

Up for debate:

I have had really bad experiences with Money Talks. Since YOU must initiate the skill test, it doesn't counter any of the treacheries (when you need it the most). What have your experiences been like?

I like the thought of Joey "The Rat" Vigil but I have hard time justifying him over Leo De Luca or Lola Santiago. Since Leo what this deck would start with lets compare Leo to Joey. To make Joey the Rat equal to Leo you would have to play one item each turn (with the additional cost of one) to equal an extra action every round of the game. I just don't think Preston wants/needs that many items (I really tried to justify it though). However, he does have some very nice damage soak (and we dont mind him dying).

"Watch this!" was removed because it cannot be added to an investigation. Still, it could mitigate the cost of using streetwise for an evasion attempt. Yet, I find it very risky. Do you agree?

The reason that I think it is important not to spend resources on clues is because you will need to spend save those resources for survival. Eventually, do you think Well Connected could be worth it and how many resources would be needed to justify the card (30?)?

What would be the next cards to add to this deck? Hot Streak?

Finally, what do you think about Against All Odds? A high check at 7 shroud nets 6 extra tokens and a decent chance of an elder sign.


Feb 26, 2019 aurchen · 1

The lantern-skeleton key combo doesn't work, check the Q&A of the skeleton key for more details. It still works with lola though.

Feb 26, 2019 brerlapine · 19

@aurchen Thanks for the correction.

Feb 26, 2019 brerlapine · 19

Remove the lanterns for Lucky!s. :(