Joe Diamond Investigates (Circle Undone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CWSparke · 1

Relies on many card draw and deck searching abilities to find weapons and tools to quickly get to fight and investigate 6.

Hunch deck : 1 Emergency Aid, 1 Logical Reasoning, 2 Working a Hunch, 2 Scene of the Crime, 2 Preposterous Sketches, 2 No Stone Unturned.

All other events either heal, search for key items, gain resources or provide a free move.

Handcuffs allow some Evading, Hallowed Mirror gives extra healing, Connect the Dots for major clue snatching.

Early XP aims: Charisma (for both allies), Reliable, Extra Ammunition, Well-Maintained (all to make guns stay in play longer), Timeworn Brand (massive upgrade over machette)

Optional XP aims: Bandolier (Will boost), hunch deck cards (obviously useful), Beat Cop (so he doesn't discard), Police Badge (Will boost and extra actions)