If you lose an asset that grants you additional slots, you must discard cards in excess of those slots until you have a legal number of assets in play in those slots. For example, if you had a Bandolier, a Shotgun and a Machete in play, and the bandolier was discarded, you would be forced to discard either the shotgun or the machete.
- Slots are a constant restriction on the cards you can have in play, and something the game state constantly checks.
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연관된 카드
- Bandolier (2) (Return to the Dunwich Legacy #1)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Bandolier can be used by:
- All 5 guardians : Roland Banks, Zoey Samaras, Mark Harrigan, Leo Anderson and Carolyn Fern
- All Dunwich investigators: Rex Murphy, Jenny Barnes, Jim Culver, "Ashcan" Pete
- Joe Diamond
- "Skids" O'Toole
- William Yorick
- Diana Stanley
- Lola Hayes
I think this card has received inappropriate disdain and mostly overlooked, wrongly in my opinion. In fact, Bandolier (0) is a quite solid card.
When looking at this card, one would probably think "why would I want an additional hand slot? I already have my guns!". Well, guardians love spending their experience points in two-handed weapons such as the Lightning Gun, the Shotgun, or the M1918 BAR. The problem becomes quickly apparent when playing regularly with these weapons: you will either have to use your precious ammo on trash mobs (and be empty when the nasty guys spawn), or you will need to refrain from playing your big weapon as much as possible, meaning that the turn you will need it, you will:
- Need to spend 1 action to play it, reducing your number of attacks
- Face an attack of opportunity if the baddy has spawned on you
- Not be able to improve it right away (e.g. with Extra Ammunition)
- Have to discard your current cards in your hand slots
The more the player count, the more enemies will spawn, and the more you will need to use backup weapons to be able to keep up with the killing. Even if you keep your Shotgun for when the big baddy spawns, several scenarios throw so many hard enemies at you that you'd wish you didn't discard your Machete. On a side note for solo, though there are much less enemies, you probably want to keep running a Flashlight during the scenario, and Bandolier once again helps you for this.
In other words, Bandolier (0) will maybe not shine in your 0XP deck, but it is an investment that will pay off as soon as you upgrade a two handed weapon. Conversely, I don't think Bandolier (2) is that much of a good card because 2 additional hand slots is just overkill, though the +1 is nice.
One real issue is the severe indirect nerfed it received recently due to the introduction of the Flamethrower, arguably the best weapon in game. Though the body slot necessary for Bandolier (0) used to be mostly irrelevant due to the thin competition for that slot, Flamethrower changed this. Obviously, you may still prefer the Lightning Gun, with which Bandolier stays relevant.
As for non guardians as well as Carolyn Fern, Bandolier (0) is a more dubious card. Except "Skids" O'Toole, who may really like having an additionnal hand slot if he plays Chicago Typewriter or Ornate Bow, other investigators should probably skip this card.
I think it is best to think of this card as an extra hand slot for most characters instead of 'just' for weapon. That way it doesn't make you feel like it is meant to hold extra weapons in your analysis. For instance, Zoe with a Machete can now hold a Flashlight and Ritual Candles in her hand.
Will you sac this for health? Maybe, but only if your low and the guardians typically dont need this stat boosted. This card seems somewhat mediocre to me.