Luke Robinson - Seeking Vermis

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

William · 510

This is the deck i used to complete the Return to the Dunwich Legacy, paired with a Yorick, also published.

This version of Luke is a full time cluever who uses the Gate Box to escape enemies without fighting or needing help.

To make sure the Gate Box is always ready this deck uses 2x Enraptured and lately a single Seal of the Elder Sign.

Astral Travel was there to deal with Detached from Reality but...i never used actually and i found myself using the turn off the 6 shroud location to get rid of Drawing the Sign or to play assets i didn't have the time to play before, so it could be a cut, as 2 horror is a good hit, but 9 sanity often means you can take it.

De Vermis Mysteriis was giant in allowing Luke to replay his most impactful events (Drawn to the Flame, Read the Signs,Seeking Answers and also Shortcut): Dunwich tends to mill you a lot, so this was a good way for Luke to make use of his discard pile.

Special mention to... Shortcut! Luke can play targeting himself to skip a location, does not need that location to be revealed, so it is 2 move actions at the cost of a fast action. On top of that, you can use it targeting another investigator at a connecting location to move them at speed to a location connected to their current location.

This saved Yorick a couple of times, in particular when he was pulled into the Darkened Hall from VIP Area where he was trapped, to a last turn "evade-move-resign" turn that meant a win on "the house always win". That was our second scenario and yes, Peter Clover was saved from an ubiquitous Luke - matter of fact Luke saved everybody that game-.