"Not like the RSC" - Lola Hayes (Seeker, Survivor, Rogue)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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AndyB · 935

For use with Mark Harrigan.

Lola will be the primary seeker for this duo, so passive boosts such as Magnifying Glass and Dr. Milan Christopher are top of the list. Deduction for more clue gathering, and Inquiring Mind is usually excellent. Lola should spend most of her time in the 'Seeker' role, generating resources with Dr. Milan Christopher

Secondary to this - Rogue, to give actions (Leo De Luca!) and some flexibility. She shouldn't be fighting, but if it comes to it, this should allow Sleight of Hand and .41 Derringer to give a cheap fighty moment.

Third role - Survivor, to toughen her up with Peter Sylvestre, and Dark Horse also offers a nice set of static bonuses.

Neutrals - the usual set. Using Fine Clothes as they have a sanity point too, and Parley can be a useful thing.

Upgrades - Charisma, Adaptable, Magnifying Glass (to keep a hand clear for a .41 Derringer), Peter Sylvestre for more passive bonuses.