"Keep the change"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marlfaux · 23

"The only thing better than getting money for free is getting paid to do what you love"

This deck is a response to the phrase (that I seem to hear a lot) "If you want an expensive deck, you need Hot Streak". I say "how about you stop throwing perfectly good stuff in the trash". I love card recursion, and I'm thinking that resource recursion can be a great way to get around a bigger price tag.

The idea here is to have a really fun time playing guns right away, shooting everything you want, but not worrying so much about the cost. The key here is that a lot of the assets in this deck pay for themselves (and more).

Now, the big 2 downsides I see about having an asset-heavy deck is that it's slow, and expensive.

Enter Joey "The Rat" Vigil.

This guy might be Tony Morgan The Bargain Hunter's best friend. He turns an empty gun into a free hand slot, 2r, and brownie points for recycling the moment you need it. That beautiful window gives you the freedom to do what you want with that empty gun, Flashlight, Tennessee Sour Mash. Keep it around for insurance from treacheries, or the chance to slap a Well-Maintained on that puppy to put it right back in your hand, or use the ability right away to help pay for the next thing.

By playing guns like Mauser C96, or Tony's .38 Long Colt, you shoot a bad guy, and money comes out! I think the bounty recharge signature of Tony's fits into this theme.

Add that to Joey's "no, it's still good" attitude (There's no way you'll see any of momma's leftover stromboli go bad at his house), you really only need 1 weaker enemy to get that Mauser C96 paid for. And your good buddy Gregory Gry will take you up on that bet every time. When he runs out of cash, sooner or later he'll be Calling in Favors to get his money back and start round 2.

The only real costs you're going to find in this deck are either installation costs, or when you're fighting a big guy with your Chicago Typewriter.

High Roller fits nicely with the "spend money and earn it back" theme.

I always try to do too much with my decks, so let me know if you think it's reaching too much.

"Keep the change" isn't something Tony says to enemies as overkills them, it's something he reminds himself, cleaning up Arkham one monster (and empty gun) at a time.