Lola Hayes - Five Against One (solo Night of the Zealot win)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Lola Hayes plays a horse - survivor-seeker-guardian 2 1 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

CSerpent · 126

Playing five roles in one night, Lola went toe to toe with an Ancient One and banished it (Normal mode).
I copied [url=]this deck[/url] for a first try with Lola. I swapped one Dark Horse for a Rise to the Occasion. Even so, Dark Horse played a big part in the first two scenarios. After managing to take out the Priest and acquiring Lita, she became Adaptable and Charismatic. Dr Christopher and Peter Sylvestre joined her entourage, leaving the two Malesons bitter and jealous. She also dumped a No Stone Unturned for a Shortcut. She did great finding clues in Midnight Masks but didn't have the actions to spend them after evading nightgaunts with Peter's help. The only cultist she beat was the Masked Hunter himself.

For the conclusion she a new role to her repertoire -- the Mystic, buying Blood Pact. This helped speed the final scenario to the final showdown and helped her have the fight to beat a Deep One, a ghoul, and a Yithian (not sure how he got in the deck with the Cthulhu servants -- oops). Her new friend Brother Xavier took a fall twice, returning with A Chance Encounter for the purpose of absorbing and reflecting Umordhoth's first attack (she came into that round as a Survivor, used A Chance Encounter to revive the Brother, then switched to Guardian before moving in to Umordhoth's space, getting in a failed attack before X took the hit to deal the first two damage). The rest was handled with Lita and a Fire Axe, with Blood Pact and a Knife as the grand finale.