Lola Hayes plays a horse - survivor-seeker-guardian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Lola Hayes - Five Against One (solo Night of the Zealot win) 6 4 10 1.0
Lola Hayes - Five Against One (solo Night of the Zealot win) 0 0 0 1.0

SimonMagus · 14

Designed to be part of a 4-player team in Carcosa. However, I feel that supporting characters (i.e. when you are not a pure fighter or clue gatherer) should be able to do a little bit of everything and thus be able to make it through the adventures solo on Normal difficulty.

The idea here is to try to find Dark Horse as quickly as possible - mulligan and No Stone Unturned, and have cheap cards that can cover most situations. One other reason to use cheap cards is her weakness, if all your assets gets wiped with a Crisis of Identity you don't want to spend a ton of resources to get back to a reasonable level.

I haven't thought that much about upgrade path so far, Adaptable and upgraded Deduction and Vicious Blow are important but after that we'll see what suits in Carcosa.


Oct 18, 2017 CSerpent · 126

I copied this deck for my first try with Lola. She beat Night of the Zealot on Normal mode! I published the final deck here.


Oct 18, 2017 SimonMagus · 14

@CSerpent How did you feel that she performed on Solo? My main concern right is that she might struggle on high difficulty tests until she gets her Dark horse out.

Oct 18, 2017 CSerpent · 126

@SimonMagus I was surprised at how well she fought. She took out a lot of tough enemies, including the Priest and the Hunter, and of course Umordhoth himself. I did have Dark Horse out early in the first two scenarios, so that helped. The Shovel and Fire Axe are really strong with a 3 base strength. Because of my draws throughout, she ended up playing primarily Survivor, frequently switching to Guardian mid-check to use Vicious Blow or Evidence. In The Gathering and Masks, she had Magnifying Glass out, and she did really well with clues. In Masks, though, I had trouble getting an action available to spend them. Throwing in Blood Pact for the last scenario and not worrying about doom was also a big help. I haven't started Carcosa yet. I might try her in Dunwich first. Really fun to play.