Know Your Enemy (Solo Deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EWU · 1

What Encounter Deck?

The deck's goals :

  • Clue gathering

Rex Murphy is the investigator to choose! We're gonna be gathering and leaving clues left and right.

Magnifying Glass is quick and easy to include, bumping you up 1

Newspaper, since we're gonna be spending clues with Maleson, we gotta counteract that.

Inquiring Mind acts much like a Newspaper but can be used to deal with enemies unluckily drawn from the encounter deck.

In the Know or (Seeking Answers) can get us clues quickly if we have others without even moving!

Fieldwork with the movement, Fieldwork is the perfect card to help supplement our stats.

  • Miscellaneous

Medical Texts gives us a way to heal back up with Rex's low health!

Old Book of Lore lets us sift through our deck and make sure our weaknesses don't come up to mess with us!

Pathfinder let's us move efficiently to get more clue gathering done!

Shortcut allows us to reveal a location and move off of it to easily take high shroud clues.

Emergency Cache simply lets us get our assets out!

No Stone Unturned is our backup plan in case we haven't drawn any important cards!

Perception and Unexpected Courage are just stat buffs

  • Combat

"I've got a plan!" lets us do lots of damage in a short amount of time!

Mind over Matter is our second damage source, but if all goes well we don't ever need to use combat!

  • Encounter Control

Ward of Protection allows us to cancel out nasty treacheries.

Scrying lets us control the deck, be careful though, of using Maleson while you've scryed in the last 3 turns! It shuffles the encounter deck.

Dr. William T. Maleson gets rid of a nasty enemy! We can just ignore them and hope for a treachery.

  • Let me know your suggestions!