Agnes Baker - Lucky Magician for 3 player Dunwich - EXP 0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


So, we've finished the three-player Dunwich campaign. It was great, an amazing adventure. Our first campaign, without earlier expierience in deck building and game itself. Below is a record of my deck for Agnes at the beginning of her adventure.

This is not the most optimal combination. However, it allows you to cross Dunwich without pain.

The main role of Agnes is to protect the seeker with its offensive magic. She is self-sufficient in fighting non-elite enemies. Uses shrieveling and her card ability to deal additional damage. Shrivelling, Agnes Baker.

It turned out that relying only on shrieveling is risky when we don't get this card, so in the later game I invested in some extra cards like Brand of Cthugha

Holy Rosary and Ritual Candles boost her will ability enough to pass most of the tests of will.

She does a good job of picking up clues in locations with less shroud so she is supposed to support the other investigators in collecting clues. "Look what I found!", Drawn to the Flame, Rite of Seeking.

And a special treat of this deck. Magic trick Ethereal Slip. This card seems completely unnecessary, I know. And taking two copies was a mistake. But. And hear me out. Only thanks to this card I survived the finale of the campaign. She saved me from moving, saved me from fighting and allowed me to reach a safe location when the whole world was falling apart. +100 to climax. I used this card 3 times during campaing - but it was a blast everytime.