자산. 마법


비용: 3.


사용(충전 4회).

충전을 1회 소비합니다: 전투. 이번 공격은 대신 를 사용합니다. 그리고 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격에서 , , , , 기호가 공개되면, 공포를 1 받습니다.

Brian Valenzuela
기본판 #60.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • The "If a symbol is revealed..." effect triggers during Step 3 of the Skill Test Timing.
Last updated


Shrivelling (the "Mystic Gun") is a staple level 0 card for almost any Mystic that wants to fight at all.

For those starting with the game, this is a good (but not exceptional) card. It allows Mystics to fight decently. Compared to the .45 Automatic...

  • Equal or -1 skill value for each fight. Most mystics have 4 or 5 willpower. A Guardian usually has 4 combat, which means they beat out Mateo or Jim when you factor in the .45's +1, but go even with Akachi or Agnes. Note however that Mystics typically have an easier time boosting their key stat, with cards like Holy Rosary.
  • One resource cheaper. Mystics are usually resource starved.
  • You take 1 horror if you reveal a bad symbol. Mystics usually have high sanity pools, so this is not a huge issue, but it can add up if you get unlucky.
  • Takes up an arcane slot, which is a competitive slot (equivalent to hand slots for Guardians).

Shrivelling comes off about even with the .45.

As time has gone on, we have received few other level 0 arcane assets that allow you to fight with willpower - Azure Flame is very similar, while Wither doesn't give you that coveted +1 damage. Shrivelling remains competitive as a result. Consider Azure Flame if you would prefer to take damage than horror. Or even run both!

Crash · 7088
It's also 1 resource cheaper than the .45, with the same amount of "bullets." — SGPrometheus · 821
Oh wait you do mention it. How'd I miss that? — SGPrometheus · 821
Its also pretty sweet with Seekers. Uses an unused slot and is boosted by Higher Education. — shenaniganz11 · 40
Grats on 975 upvotes! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Lol thanks - it's bizarre - i don't understand how almost 1000 people dropped a like on this review. — Crash · 7088

How come no one is wondering about that rose? A person in a suit getting shrivelled to nothingness with a rose in their hands? Is it a Mafia threat thing getting an emphatic answer? Some weird burial? WHAT IS GOING ON? Well, at least the flower is not affected.

RFreitas · 57
the rose could be the cause of the spell, all this time we have been handing out roses ...of DEATH. — Zerogrim · 294
But the flower isaffected, isn't it? It's dropping petals. — Susumu · 370