Tony likes his Sawed-Off Shotgun (23 xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ramun · 431


This deck is my attempt to build around Sawed-Off Shotgun. The end result might be a little bit janky due to a lot of cards being dedicated to this purpose, but I really want to see the Sawed-Off Shotgun shine.

The shotgun

Cards supporting the Sawed-Off Shotgun "succeed by" condition are the following:

Additional ammo are provided by Extra Ammunition and Contraband.

Other cards

Another Day, Another Dollar - Tony has a strong built-in economy, but installation costs are high, so this helps for early setup. We use In the Thick of It (2 physical traumas) to start with Another Day, Another Dollar on scenario 1.

Underworld Support provides increased consistency for xp cards that are not worth investing 2 copies in (Sawed-Off Shotgun, Bruiser, High Roller, All In).

Backpack competes with Heavy Furs for the body slot (we try to play backpack first), but has 12 potential target cards and plays an important role in deck thinning to get to cards such as Bruiser and High Roller faster.

All In - With so many ways to oversucceed and mitigate bad token draw, All In will make an excellent job drawing through the deck. The value is even higher in an Underworld Support deck where every card counts.