Finny Boy Gets Clues (Hopefully)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LocalHallwayGhost · 2

Finn Edwards goes to the jungle, hopefully netting a clue or two. My party of investigators are planning on going through Forgotten Age for the first time! Finn Edwards came with the expansion, so he will be our cluever! Supported by Sister Mary and William Yorick, I hope this deck will be able to handle the clues and managing to evade those pesky enemies.

The plan is to upgrade into Underworld Market, Fence and Lola Santiago. As well as upgrading existing cards into their higher leveled versions, such as Lockpicks(1), Lucky Cigarette Case(3) and Pickpocketing(2)!

Would love feedback from more experienced people, as this is the first deck I've made by myself. Cheers all!