"Ashcan" Pete Desperate Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Desperate Pete 9 5 3 2.0

NTGuardian · 24

It's easy for Ashcan Pete to get two horror on him while deflecting the rest to assets, so soon the desperate cards will no longer be blank and will contribute a lot to skill tests. Even when the desperate skills are supposedly blank they can be discarded to ready Duke.


May 01, 2018 Andrew Wang · 1

I'd say you've even gone too far in deflecting further horror from Pete - better to grab an extra weapon or two. Perhaps a Machete (or even a Shrivelling if you're planning to mulligan for St. Hubert's Key) with your last splash card. But I love the idea.

May 02, 2018 Low_Chance · 13

I like this concept, but I think there is definitely a fifth splash card out there that should be in the deck. Off the top of my head, cutting 1x Say Your Prayers or Run for Your Life to add 1x Vicious blow (or Double or Nothing) wouldn't slow down this ultra-lean deck at all.