Daisy Walker’s Solo Inquiring Mind

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jim’s Trumpet · 1

Wondering how this deck will hold up solo. I haven’t included Dr Milan Christopher, as too expensive for Return to...The Gathering. Might upgrade to him later in campaign.

Thought i’d try the combo of Inquiring Mind and Dr Maleson. Torn between 2x Dr Maleson or 2x Shortcut.

Any thoughts on this deck? Looking to survive until I can upgrade to Higher Ed. Anything crucial missing?


Aug 07, 2018 simongeorges · 235

  • Magnifying Glass should be 2x or 0x, I think, so only carrying one means you don't really need it (and Daisy Walker already has 5 intellect), so I would remove it;
  • Depending on the campaign you're attempting, I would carry some Deduction to be able to grab all clues of a room in one action, but it's not always needed;
  • All in all, you seem to have everything, but I would carry 2x Shrivelling and 2x Strange Solution instead of 2x Blinding Light, I think;
  • Do you really need 1x Working a Hunch? That could free the place for the 2nd Dr. William T. Maleson (but I admit I'm a big fan of Shortcut, so I would never cut it ;-)).