Jenny Barnes, the prodigal daughter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBraintrust · 84

This is a variation on the standard "pay to win" Jenny decks that includes Dark Horse to incentivize spending all of her money and/or recover from poor cash flow issues.

The key mechanic is that Dark Horse immediately activates when all of the money is spent, giving Jenny a base stat line of 4s across the board after pumping stats. The "pay-to-win" stat boosts (Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks --> Later Streetwise and Physical Training) will give Jenny the mechanism for reliably activating Dark Horse. For late campaign play, this will be expanded by adding Key of Ys into the mix to give a baseline stat between 5 and 8 line BEFORE skill pumps.

With Lone Wolf, Jenny should generally earning 3 dollars a turn - and should probably be spending all that. Most of the assets in this deck are 3 or less cost. Whatever Jenny doesn't spend on items, spending on stat boosts allows Jenny to activate Dark Horse and then combo the high skill checks with Double or Nothing and Quick Thinking. This could give Jenny potentially two additional actions in big turns (in addition to the one given by Leo De Luca). The deck includes a number of skill cards to help boost actions after the initial expenditure and a Lucky Cigarette Case to get some additional card draw.


  1. Switchblade is a bit of a compromise to get a +1 damage. It is substantially better upgraded. However, even in early scenarios, its a relatively easy to do four damage in a single attack by spending Jenny's typical allowance of three dollars on Physical Training and throwing in a Double or Nothing. On harder difficulty, it may be necessary to use skill boost like Guts, Quick Thinking, or Overpower to reliably get a success +2. Late game, Jenny's Twin .45s are a little more reliable on big attacks, but require ammo and take up both hand slots.
  2. After an attack, with Leo and Quick Thinking, Jenny could potentially have four more actions to evade or attack some more.
  3. The Emergency Cache is there to help bring out Leo De Luca or Jenny's Twin .45s if Jenny is short on cash.
  4. Since this deck only runs three weapons, Prepared for the Worst helps dig one out of the deck if needed.
  5. Trench Coat provides a bit a damage soak. It could easily be replaced with Fine Clothes that would serve a similar purpose.

For a mulligan, some combination of Dark Horse, Lone Wolf, weapons, flashlights, and pay-to-win stat boosts are the key items to get in play. Jenny will have to adapt her play a bit depending on what she gets in her hand.

After 7XP:

  1. Charon's Obol
  2. Adaptable x 2
  3. Streetwise
  4. Hard Knocks x2 --> Liquid Courage x2
  5. Arcane Studies x2 --> Physical Training x2

Alternately, to save 2 XP early, you could skip #Adaptable and just run with Physical Training and Liquid Courage from the first scenario.

This sets the stage for future, giving Jenny more XP and a much better set of pay-to-win stat boosts. The Liquid Courage allows Jenny to better control her horror when the deck picks up Key of Ys. After that, it's time to upgrade the blades. The additional +2 attack is a substantial upgrade to switchblades.

  1. Switchblade x2 --> Switchblade x2

Then more stat buffs

  1. Lucky Cigarette Case --> Key of Ys
  2. Overpower --> Key of Ys

Followed an upgrade to Leo that will allow him to be played on the first turn without additional resources.

  1. Leo De Luca --> Leo De Luca

and then, rounding out some of the basic items:

  1. Flashlight x2 --> Lockpicks x2
  2. Emergency Cache --> Hot Streak