
숙련. 전문화.


마크 해리건 덱 전용.

이번 능력 테스트가 성공하고 그것이 공격이라면, ‘마크 해리건’이 가진 피해 1을 공격받은 적에게 이동시킵니다.

진정한 전쟁은 이제 막 시작되었을 뿐.
Eric Deschamps
카르코사로 가는 길 #7.
후방 전선


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It's practiced. You have no excuse not to shove Practice Makes Perfect into your Mark deck now! Other practiced skills he likes are Overpower, Take the Initiative, Vicious Blow.

Practice Makes Perfect is also a tactic, so you can attach that to Stick to the Plan.

Erdjo · 327
I think you're absolutely right. I also find Leadership (2) to be a great target for Practice Makes Perfect for Mark. — olahren · 3497
Yeah, pmp is a force multiplier, and The Home Front is an awful lot of force to multiply. — SGPrometheus · 827
Surprisingly, very few Mark decklists on arkhamdb include PMP. — Zinjanthropus · 229