마리 램부


공연자. 주술사.

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체력: 6. 정신력: 8.

당신이 조종하는 카드 가운데 파멸이 1개 이상 놓여 있는 동안, 당신의 차례 동안 당신은 추가로 행동을 1번 더 수행해도 됩니다. 단, 이 추가 행동은 마법 카드를 플레이하거나 마법 기능을 활성화하는 데에만 사용할 수 있습니다.

효과: +1. 당신이 조종하는 카드 하나에 파멸을 1개 놓아도 됩니다 (또는) 당신이 조종하는 카드 하나에서 파멸을 1개 제거해도 됩니다.

Tony Foti
끝맺지 못한 의식 #6.

마리 램부 - Back


덱 크기: 30장.

덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 마법 카드, 레벨 0-3 신비주의자 카드(), 레벨 0 비술 카드, 이외의 레벨 0 다른 탐구자() 그리고/또는 생존자() 카드 최대 5장.

덱 구성 요구조건(덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 미혹의 노래, 사메디 남작, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.

마리 램부는 몹시 매력적인 목소리를 가졌다. 사람들은 마리를 들어 타고난 재즈 가수이자, 마법과도 같이 어루만지는 목소리를 지녔다고들 추켜세우며 “잿빛 벨벳”이란 별명으로 불렀다. 사실, 그리 틀린 말은 아니다. 할머니가 돌아가시고 난 이래로, 마리는 꿈결 속에서 지금껏 들어본 적 없는 노래를 들었다. 지구에 존재하지 않는 언어로 된 가사에다 곡조까지 비정상적으로 뒤틀려 있는 노래였다. 마리는 할머니가 뉴올리언즈에서 아컴으로 이사해 온 이유를 조금도 짐작하지 못할 것이다. 사람들이 마리의 할머니를 두고 마녀라고 불렀던 것만 봐도, 어쩌면 마리의 핏줄에 흐르는 것은 재즈만이 아닌지도 모른다…
마리 램부
마리 램부
Search for cards usable by this investigator


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Does Marie Lambeau's Deckbuilding Options Spell traits work with bonded cards? For example, can Marie upgrade into Occult Lexicon (3)? A: Yes, Marie can upgrade Occult Lexicon. Bonded cards cannot be treated as part of the text box of the card to which they are bonded. (August 2023)
Last updated


I’ve played this game for a hell of a long time with many many different people, and nobody seems to pick Marie Lambeau.

Maybe she’s not designed for multiplayer; the risk/reward ratio for her as much different. Solo, risking an extra doom might lose your three actions to gain an additional one every turn; in a group, the trade-off is one action for 12.

It’s also because there aren't lot of cards that let you manipulate doom; Arcane initiate, Alyssa Graham, David Renfield, blood pact, and De Vermis Mysteriis. With the latter, you get tons of event compression; one action from the book turns into two.

She’s also a 4/4/1/3 Mystic with a tremendous weakness. She loses an ally slot, and amplifies damage for several turns while adding doom to the board.

Still, with access to spells instead of Mystic cards specifically, she gets some oddities from other classes. Blood eclipse or arcane insight, feed the mind for card draw, Alter fate and suggestion, but as of press time, there are 18 non-mystic spells in the game out of almost 100 spell cards.

The only place Marie might fit is in dream eaters A, where doom totals can reach the double digits without advancing the agenda. Perhaps with more doom cards, but even after six expansions, Marie is still best as a solo act.

MrGoldbee · 1473
I kind of like Marie because she is less dependent on spells to get clues (which is obviously more significant in solo). She can also do the Practice Makes Perfect + Promise of Power combo. she can also take Occult Lexicon and Hallowed Mirror, and use her free action for their bonded cards. She can also take Alter Fate, though I think it would usually be better as a support card rather than solo. IDK, she's fairly interesting for a Mystic. I think people are scared away by the doom play, most likely (and that is worse in multi). — Zinjanthropus · 229
For Doom generation there's also Alyssa Graham, who helps Marie find clues the old-fashioned way with an intellect boost (and forewarning on the Encounter deck), Marie's elder sign ability (which can be triggered to add *or* remove doom at any time with Seal of the Elder Sign), and the good Baron himself. I found, once you have Charisma in play, sometimes the Baron is more boon than weakness - if carefully handled, of course. — Prinny_wizzard · 251
The Baron is definitely a doom card that is relatively easy to get rid of before the Agenda advances (unless it's a really short Agenda). Just leave him at 2 doom, then add the third when you would be in the Witching hour to give yourself 3 more rounds. — Zinjanthropus · 229
I think the "not designed for multiplayer" observation is very astute... or at least, she's a LOT safer to play in Solo. As you mention, 1 Doom > 3 actions in MP. But the real kicker is that in Solo you can be 99% assured that if you clear your doom at (Agenda-2), you won't contribute to an early Ancient Evils advancement. In 4p, though, you have to wind this back to (Agenda-4 or 5) to avoid a risk of Acolyte/Mysterious Chanting/Ancient Evils being pulled in a row... which is a pretty narrow window to play with Doom. — HanoverFist · 740
On the other hand, her signiature card gets a lot better in multiplayer. Mystifying Song gives you 1 full extra round of actions, which means +12 actions in a 4 player game. In fact if you end up with those Cultist + Mysterious Chanting + Ancient Evils combos, she could save you even more rounds by preventing the clock from dooming out and giving you time to kill those cultists. I expect every Marie deck to be running Arcane Initiate, which can find her signature, so I don't think it's unreasonable to expect this to happen every almost every scenario. Honestly I'm a little surprised to see so much hesitancy around doom because Arcane Initiate seems like a very popular card. As long as you're packing cards like Moonlight Ritual, Calling in Favours, Forbidden Knowledge, you should always have a way to clear the doom before you doom out. — Jack · 57
If you have a doom threshold of four and put out a doom on turn 1, with the bonus actions, if you take them every turn, and are playing solo, then you end up even on actions. Any doom threshold higher, the bonus goes to Marie. — togetic271 · 5

Like Father Mateo, Marie needs an updated review now that Scarlet Keys have been released. Elle Rubash mitigates her biggest drawback—needing doom on a card to get her that extra action. Now she's fine in multiplayer as long as Elle is out since she no longer accelerates the doom clock. The only drawback is that she also needs to take Charisma to prevent Baron Samedi from bumping Elle when drawn.

At level zero, she can take Ceremonial Sickle or Dowsing Rod to get that doom. Note the Rod gives a +1 when investigating, so when put under Elle you're up to 6 before other buffs. For combat, she probably wants to upgrade to Abyssal Tome as she can just keep the doom on there while under Elle for a +2 attack (choosing whichever or is higher) and 2 damage once a turn. It exhausts so she needs a backup weapon, but she'll have her extra action for the rest of the scenario. When the doom clock resets, she can "reload" by either swinging the Tome at an enemy or use the Rod to move and investigate. With a good stat line and card pool access, plus an extra action that you can proc for the entire scenario once you're set up with no extra risk, I think Marie is finally a fun investigator to play!

You can also attach Baron Samedi to Elle Rubash, since he is an asset. But unfortunately that doesn't free the Ally slot. At least it helps with his doom — Tharzax · 1