자산. 손

물품. 부적.

비용: 4.


: 조사. 이번 조사에서 당신의 를 사용하거나 +1 을 얻습니다. 당신이 이 기능을 개시할 때, 다음 중 하나를 선택합니다 –

─ 이어진 장소 한 곳으로 이동하기 위해, ‘다우징 로드’를 소진하고 이 카드에 파멸을 1개 놓습니다.

─ 이번 조사로 장소 한 곳에 있던 마지막 단서를 발견하면, ‘다우징 로드’에서 파멸을 1개 제거합니다.

Tiziano Baracchi
진홍색 열쇠 조사자 확장 #83.
다우징 로드


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I was the first one to be a bit low on this... until I really decided to check it seriously.

Let's compare it to its obvious rivals: Rite of Seeking and Clairvoyance:

Some will argue otherwise, but it seems to me that when looking at it from a bit closer, Dowsing Rod could be a solid contender for the investigation tool for future mystics, even without any doom management tools like Elle Rubash and Moonlight Ritual.
It is especially good in 2 and 3 player counts when it is as efficient as Clairvoyance without ever running out of charge. It also works especially well combined with Clairvoyance or with events like Read the Signs and Drawn to the Flame to get rid of the doom faster.

Valentin1331 · 74980
Sister Mary has high intellect? — MrGoldbee · 1473
I guess, that's a typo, and he meant Marie, not Mary, and the editor chimed in with auto-completing. — Susumu · 372
It would be otherwise odd, too, that he skiped the 4 willpower, 4 intellect investigator, who actually wants doom on at least one of her cards, too. — Susumu · 372
Well caught, I corrected it, thanks! — Valentin1331 · 74980
+1 for Marie Lambeau, it works very well for solo or flex. I tried it with most standalone scenarios, using hands to investigate and spells for fighting / evading. It's also a great (for Marie) source of doom that can be turned on / off quite easily. — DrOGM · 25
I don't really think move + investigate is as valuable compression as a two clue investigate. A two clue investigate is two tests for the price of one, while a move is almost always testless, so you're never saving a second test. Saving actions is good, but saving tests is considerably better. Maybe the potential infinite use swings it, but I wouldn't call them equal on compression. — SSW · 214
Pretty sure if you dowse into a location with an enemy you will trigger an AOO... isn't this the ruling with Duke? — dlikos · 160
Never mind... I am wrong about the above comment.... Another benefit of Dowsing Rod over the spells (at least with Amina) is that the Rods vibe with her Words of Woe — dlikos · 160
Does anyone know whether you can actually choose the second option even if you're not removing the last clue/there is no doom on dowsing rod? Meaning, can you use as simply a way to investigate using your head without putting doom on it? — brubsdormeles · 1
I find it worth mentioning that, yes, it adds a doom in solo on the location you move into, but something that Mystics in Solo really want is a way to repeatedly use their brain to investigate without charges, and this does allow for that. It only finds one clue most of the time, and sometimes it just lets you do cool stuff in the witching hour or when you're fishing the scenario with it. I think it's a lot better in Solo than it might initially read. — Fogshaper · 1
@dlikos: I am pretty certain this case is different from Duke's since the wording tells you to move before initiation of the ability affects the game state, i.e. before its cost is payed and the check for AoO occurs. — AlderSign · 314
^ this is due to the word "when"; you would FIRST move and only THEN effectively initiate the ability and pay it's cost, triggering AoOs. Duke's ability, on the other hand, lets you move AFTER initiation and paying costs, but before actually investigating. — AlderSign · 314
Isn't the more important comparison with Sixth Sense? — jmmeye3 · 629