마리 램부


공연자. 주술사.

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체력: 6. 정신력: 8.

당신이 조종하는 카드 가운데 파멸이 1개 이상 놓여 있는 동안, 당신의 차례 동안 당신은 추가로 행동을 1번 더 수행해도 됩니다. 단, 이 추가 행동은 마법 카드를 플레이하거나 마법 기능을 활성화하는 데에만 사용할 수 있습니다.

효과: +1. 당신이 조종하는 카드 하나에 파멸을 1개 놓아도 됩니다 (또는) 당신이 조종하는 카드 하나에서 파멸을 1개 제거해도 됩니다.

Tony Foti
프로모 #1.

마리 램부 - Back


덱 크기: 30장.

덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 마법 카드, 레벨 0-3 신비주의자 카드(), 레벨 0 비술 카드, 이외의 레벨 0 다른 탐구자() 그리고/또는 생존자() 카드 최대 5장.

덱 구성 요구조건(덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 미혹의 노래, 사메디 남작, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.

마리 램부는 몹시 매력적인 목소리를 가졌다. 사람들은 마리를 들어 타고난 재즈 가수이자, 마법과도 같이 어루만지는 목소리를 지녔다고들 추켜세우며 “잿빛 벨벳”이란 별명으로 불렀다. 사실, 그리 틀린 말은 아니다. 할머니가 돌아가시고 난 이래로, 마리는 꿈결 속에서 지금껏 들어본 적 없는 노래를 들었다. 지구에 존재하지 않는 언어로 된 가사에다 곡조까지 비정상적으로 뒤틀려 있는 노래였다. 마리는 할머니가 뉴올리언즈에서 아컴으로 이사해 온 이유를 조금도 짐작하지 못할 것이다. 사람들이 마리의 할머니를 두고 마녀라고 불렀던 것만 봐도, 어쩌면 마리의 핏줄에 흐르는 것은 재즈만이 아닌지도 모른다…
마리 램부
마리 램부
Search for cards usable by this investigator


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • If you are instructed to lose 1 or more actions, you have that many fewer actions to take during your turn. This is referring to your normal three “full” actions. So if you are instructed to lose 1 or more actions, those must be the ones that are “lost” first. If you have no more of those actions to lose, then you start losing “additional” actions, of your choice. So, for example, if you are playing Daisy and an effect instructs you to “lose 2 actions”, you would have 1 normal action and Daisy’s special additional action left.
Last updated


Marie Lambeau was offered as a promo card in the Investigators of Arkham book. I hadn't the chance to grab that at the time, as shipping was prohibitive. Now, if you're in the same position, proxy her. Really.

Marie Lambeau is a great investigator for solo play.

Just look at the stat-line breakdown of Marie Lambeau:

  • at 4 , she has the ability to cope with a lot of what the encounter deck will throw, at least in terms of Treacheries.
  • the 4 of Marie Lambeau puts her on par with Minh Thi Phan and Rex Murphy, at second place behind Daisy Walker, all of them being investigators! This is really amazing, as you definitely need the clues in that game.
  • at 3 , nothing to sneeze at, Marie can always evade what she can't fight.
  • at 1 though, she has no way to defend herself, at least until you get that Shrivelling out.

Her ability is a bit tricky, but can be powerful.

First, remember that you only check for the Doom threshold during the Mythos phase, allowing you to pile up some Doom tokens on the board the turn before the Agenda is supposed to advance. That said, when the Agenda does advance, you remove every doom token in play, even the ones on player cards.

This entitles three things:

  1. Willingly getting a player card out with a Doom token on it to trigger Marie's ability will reduce the time you have before the Agenda advances by 1 turn. Then for the X-1 turns remaining, you have 1 extra action . But wait! There are restrictions on those actions: you can play Spell cards or trigger their .
  2. When the Agenda advances, you lose the benefit of Marie's ability, as all doom tokens are removed. So you need a way to get those Doom tokens back in play.
  3. Going blind on most scenarios (or not), no matter what, you're probably not so prepared to help the encounter deck advancing too fast. So you may want to trigger that ability with parcimony, thus getting extra doom tokens on the penultimate turn before advancing the Agenda.

All of this require :

  1. Experience of the scenarios you play
  2. Experience at actually playing the deck, and being tricky overall
  3. Getting a reliable and consistent way to put those doom tokens on player cards

That last point is not that easy. Marie's ability is not reliable. Browsing the current card pool, the alternatives are:

  • Alyssa Graham gives you further , parring Marie to Daisy, and encounter deck control as well as Doom management
  • Arcane Initiate gives you at least the Doom token you want, and helps you grab those Spells. And... that's it! Granted, those two allies are pretty good in their own right.

Yes, yes, and just when you think those two cards are perfect for Marie Lambeau and just after you add 2 copies of each in your deck, you take a look at her special weakness: Baron Samedi. I think Baron Samedi is a very punishing weakness:

  1. He cannot leave play until he as 3 Doom tokens on it. It's action yes, but as it requires to exhaust him, you need 3 damn turns to get him out and obviously before the Agenda deck can advance, so in most Agenda (with a Doom threshold at 6 or less) it's not even possible. In the meantime, you can always benefit from Marie's ability true, but 3 Doom can really hurt.
  2. It fills the damn sole tiny, tiny, tiny ally slot you need so badly.

Overall, on your first scenario, pray not to draw him too early, and get at least 3 victory points. If you do, you will be able to buy Charisma.

All this blabbering on Doom management makes you want to introduce some shielding. Marie's special event Mystifying Song is one way to go: for 3 Resources and no (it's a Fast event) it buys you one more turn to pile those Doom tokens. That's pretty good if you draw it.

If you do not though, include 2 copies of Moonlight Ritual. At least, you'll be able to hold on to the current agenda if something has Ancient Evils comes your way.

Check out the sample deck here: arkhamdb.com

banania · 409
Her Signature Card helps you to get 3 doom on baron samedi on short agendas. The permanent Talent "Blood pact" is also a good option to trigger her ability. — Django · 5114
I like the idea of Blood Pact overall, but the cards is not so efficient in my opinion, as you probably won't be able to trigger it much during the game. Or at least, much less so than you'd do with those other talents triggered by spending resources. The true strength of Blood Pact is of course to be Permanent, as you can trigger Marie's ability from the get-go. I have yet to try it. It's somehow does not appeal to me, but it might be more efficient than I think. — banania · 409
One note since this has been written that David Renfield is a great way to pt doom on the board. — jacque_stampunk · 3
Even if you only use it during the last round of each agenda, blood pact is still pretty good! Reliably activating Marie's ability is also worth a lot, so I'd encourage you to try it. — Chitinid · 14