소원 포식자
신의 보석

자산. 액세서리

물품. 유물. 축복받은.

비용: –.


결속(텅 빈 보석).

당신이 능력 테스트 동안 , , , 혼돈 토큰을 공개할 때, 충전을 1회 소비합니다: 그 혼돈 토큰을 취소합니다. 피해 1과 공포 1을 회복합니다.

강제 – ‘소원 포식자’에 충전이 없다면: 당신의 결속 카드에서 ‘텅 빈 보석’을 찾아서 ‘소원 포식자’와 맞바꿉니다.

Robert Laskey
신들이 기거하는 곳 #277.
소원 포식자


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Clarification: If an investigator’s deck contains a card that summons one or more bonded cards, those bonded cards are set aside at the start of each game. The number of copies of each different bonded card that are set aside in this way is equal to the number of copies of that were included in the product in which that bonded card was introduced. The number of cards in your deck that summon the bonded card in question does not factor into this limit. *For example: An investigator may only have 3 copies of Soothing Melody set aside at the start of the game. Similarly, an investigator may only have 1 Essence of the Dream set aside at the start of the game, regardless of how many copies of Dream Diary they include in their deck. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Last updated


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