This card is extremely strong. It's not quite drawing thin bananas, but it is very powerful econ. You don't have to try very hard to get 3-4 cards and resources from this. I almost always buy one of these within the first two scenarios, it just makes the rest of my deck run so much more smoothly.
비용: 0. XP: 3.
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Rules question about "draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand". Do i resolve weaknesses that don't stay in my hand and keep drawing until i actually have 5 in hand? Or do i have to wait with resolving weaknesses until i've drawn up to 5?
Despite surface similarities (both give cards and resources), Nothing Left to Lose serves a very different purpose from Drawing Thin.
Drawing Thin is sustained economy. It's for a deck that constantly spending resources for expensive events or asset recursion. It takes an install cost and actions to trigger its effects. Track Shoes can make it actionless at times, but there's the install cost of Track shoes to consider as well and you need to find both cards and play them. In exchange for an early tempo loss, you get a steady flow of cards and resources every round to fuel your expensive cards.
Nothing Left to Lose is the premier burst economy card. It's for a deck that needs some money to play out its starting assets, then no longer needs more resources, either because the deck is cheap or the assets will provide enough economy. Dark Horse builds are the archetypal example, but it's by no mean limited to Dark Horse builds. For example a Yorick build recurring Rite of Sanctification once set up no longer needs sustain economy from Drawing Thin. All he needs is the starting economy and cards to set up in the first place. In such decks, Nothing Left to Lose will outperform Drawing Thin in set-up tempo and in deck consistency.
The remove from game effect is actually beneficial, since you should only need to play this once per copy in your deck. If you find yourself cycling your deck and still need to play Nothing Left to Lose, you probably should have taken Drawing Thin instead.
It's also an auto-include when when you get Paranoia or Amnesia or Tower as your random basic weakness. Also as existing reviews point out, there's no need to wait to get full value out of it: gaining 5 resources is already better than Emergency Cache (3) even if you're not drawing any cards, as long as you can put the resources to good use.