NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card's ability should read: "... (Limit once per test.)" - FAQ, v.1.9, June 2021
Q: I'm considering a Mandy Thompson deck, and I wondered about her reaction ability and cards like Old Book of Lore and Guided by the Unseen, where the find has a cost. Do you pay the cost to activate the card you find once (effectively replacing "Pay XX to ... that card" with "Pay XX to ... those cards")? Or do you have to pay the cost for each instance, "Pay XX to ... that card" becoming "Pay XX for each card that you want to ..."? A: Mandy’s ability to “resolve 1 additional target of the search” can be thought of as treating the additional target just like the original target. To be more specific:
- With Old Book of Lore, the investigator searches the top 3 cards of their deck for two total cards, draws them, and shuffles their deck; then, for each card, they can spend one secret to immediately play it at a reduced cost. (They would not have to play both cards.)
- For Guided by the Unseen, the investigator may search the top 3 cards of their deck for two total cards to commit, then, for each card, they can spend one secret to commit the card. (They would not have to commit both.)
자산. 마법
비용: 2. XP: 3.
사용(비밀 4개).
당신이 위치한 장소에서의 능력 테스트 동안: 테스트를 수행하는 조사자는 자신의 덱 맨 위 카드 3장 중에서 이번 능력 테스트에 소모할 수 있는 카드를 1장 찾아도 됩니다. 당신은 그 카드를 소모하기 위해 비밀을 1개 소비해도 됩니다. 능력 테스트를 수행하는 조사자의 덱을 섞습니다. (테스트당 1번 한정.)

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I'm not sure how this card made it through playtesting, but Mandy in particular would love this card. Since there is no limit to how many times it can be activated (and you don't even need to use any secrets), she can easily fish out her weakness along with all the research cards in her deck before moving on past the player window to finish the skill test. If it was a particularly difficult/important test (or if she felt like it), she could even fish out all Three Aces at the cost of 3 of the secrets.
I anticipate errata for this card coming very soon.
Note: I say easily, but it'll be very time consuming at only 3 cards at a time. The rest of the players will not be happy as they wait for the performing investigator to go through all the necessary searches until they are satisfied they've found everything that needs to be found in their deck.
So this is one action to play, 2 resources for 4 card commits over 4+ tests.
It seems somewhat comparable to something like. Hyperawareness or Arcane Studies.
-cost 1 exp more.
-only for 2 skills.
+are unlimited use (but only 2 icons per turn).
+guaranteed to work.
+have a side benefit of letting you spend your resources.
If it's for items, you also have survivors also have Jury-Rig which also boosts by 2 three times at 0 cost and 0 exp.
It might be ok as a late game addition once you have your high exp skill cards (or at least cards with high number of icons). Maybe a case can be made for survivor seekers that want to search for valuable cards like The Necronomicon, commiting it to a test then getting it back from the discard with recursion.
Seems a bit similar to Astronomical Atlas which is better since it's unlimited use and lets you draw the commited card but that costs 1 more and uses a hand slot.
Has obvious synergy with Mandy Thompson and Minh Thi Phan. Possibly good for Amanda Sharpe since she runs lots of icons/skills as well.
Edit: Just realized this is also very similar to Ancestral Knowledge. It's essentially the non permanent version.
-3 less exp.
-secrets synergy, search synergy.
-2 cost.
-have to draw it then spend an action to play it.
-sometimes fails to draw.
-only 4 uses instead of 5 (good exchange for half the exp).
If possible I'd go for ancestral Knowledge first. The Permanent trait is just too good, you always get it every scenario so it's like a free draw at the start. (Studious alone costs 3 exp).