This card seems to be absolutely bonkers for Carolyn Fern.
Compared to most other Heal cards, Archive of Conduits do not need you to be at any other Investigator's location, to place the leyline or to heal. The card does not exhaust and does not use Supplies or Charges
Even if you pull the on Rotting Remains, Carolyn Fern will turn it into +3 cards and +3 resources for you no matter where you are on the map.
You shouldn't be afraid To Fight the Black Wind anymore, as removing leylines provide a boost in heal that will make it hard for it to trigger a Doom on the Agenda. Just pack some No Stone Unturned/Eureka! to trigger it when there is no enemy in play or even a Pendant of the Queen to evade enemies in case your Damage dealer failed to kill it during their round.
Good combos:
Forbidden Knowledge: 1 action = 2 resources + 1 card.
Spirit of Humanity: 1 action = 2 , 1 card, 1 resource (+ 1 resource if you place the horror on Peter Sylvestre that will heal at the end of the round).
Toe to Toe for auto damage and the possibility to heal yourself for card and money.
TL;DR This card makes most other Heal cards obsolete for her.