자산. 마법

마법. 예지.

비용: 3. XP: 4.

탐구자 신비주의자

사용(충전 6회).

: 조사. 당신은 이번 조사에서 대신 를 사용해도 되며, 당신은 +2 능력값을 얻습니다. 성공하면, 충전을 1회 또는 2회 또는 3회 소비합니다. 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 1개 발견하는 것이 아니라, 그 대신 소비한 충전 개수만큼 당신이 위치한 장소에서 단서를 발견합니다. 난이도를 넘어선 차이 0으로 성공하면, 당신의 손에서 카드를 2장 선택해서 버립니다.

Adam S. Doyle
지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #103.
  • Divination (1) (지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #101)


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Regarding Divination and Brand of Cthugha, if the charge on the card is already zero, can I still trigger their abilities? If so, and I succeed, how do I resolve the card effect? Will I discover 0 clues or attack deals deal 0 damage because it has no charge? If I use the or skill type of test, and Deduction or Vicious Blow has been committed to the corresponding skill type of test, and the card does not have a charge, how do I resolve the effect of the skill card? I want to be clear, does the word "additional" mean that you have to discover at least 1 clue to get "discover 1 additional clue (Deduction)"? And, you have to attack deals at least 1 damage to get "deals +1 damage (Vicious Blow)"? A: Yes, as long as spending a charge isn’t part of the cost to activate the indicated action (and it isn’t, for those cards.) You can fight with Brand of Cthugha and end up spending 0 charges to deal 0 damage (but increase the amount with Vicious Blow, for example). Similarly, activating Divination, spending 0 charges, then using Deduction can still allow you to discover 1 clue at your location. (Note, this interaction would not work if you “investigated” with Divination but replaced the discovering of clues with something like Burglary.)
Last updated


The selling point of this boy bad is that seekers can also take it. For mystics, Norman Withers (yes, he is a true mystics) especially likes this card. As it allows Norman to use his high intellect instead of using his slightly lower will power to investigate. Pairing Divination with True Magick, a card which Norman can and should take, enable him to nab 3 clues in an action each round and sprint through the scenario quickly. This simple strategy also off-set the main limitation of Divination, which is that it only had 6 charges to nab 6 clues.

liwl0115 · 41
True Magick revealing Divination can get one clue per round, because True Magick only has one charge per round. — Thatwasademo · 58
Superb in solo play to clear locations in one action. Use it as complement to your ordinary investigate actions to save charges, when the game is on the line. — Skrattmas · 9
It's short-lived nature can also be a feature if you're running Dexter. Empty charges are actually still useful for him. — Maseiken · 1
unfortunately I think Thatwasademo's comment is correct. D (4) is still good though — liwl0115 · 41
You don't use True Magick with it; instead, you use Ghastly Possession and the usual Norman shenanigans to grab 3 clues in one action each turn, with 6 more charges for emergency and/or an untimely tentacle — ethereal64 · 556