So now, I can commit a Vicious blow (2) to a Shrivelling (5) test ? And a Perception (2) to a Pilfer (3) test ? Excellent card to combine great capacities (to attack, investigate, ...) that normally use different skills !
자산. 마법
비용: 2. XP: 2.
사용(충전 4회).
당신이 위치한 장소 또는 이어진 장소 한 곳에 있는 조사자 한 명이 수행하는 능력 테스트 동안, 충전을 1회 소비합니다: 그 능력 테스트에 당신의 손에서 약점이 아닌 카드를 1장 소모하되, 그 카드의 모든 능력 아이콘을 로 취급합니다.

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There are a lot of fun 3 icons Skill cards theme going on in the Path to Carcosa Investigator Expansion, with 1 icon missing where it doesn't work thematically. Plus you can now commit them to a test previously not matching the icons for funny effects. (e.g. inspire allies with your fancy evasion)
does this asset mean that I can commit more than 1 card to other investigator's test? Like I normally commit one card and then use this asset's ability to commit 1 more, or I used the asset ability to commit one and then I can't commit one more...?
Bestow Resolve also brings out the best in the Desperate skills: It makes any Desperate skill a Promise of Power but without the Curse tokens. Consider this in a low-sanity character who is likely to spend time at or below three Sanity. Before they drop into that range, Bestow Resolve plus any Desperate skill gives them +4 on any test, and after they drop to that Sanity level you can save charges by using a Desperate skill as written.
It also adds late game flexibility to Soothing Melody--if you don't need the healing, each of them becomes a three-wild skill boost.
I just built a super fun (but admittedly janky) Diana deck that uses Astronomical Atlas with Bestow Resolve. I think skill cards in general needed a little more love.