

비용: 1.


당신이 가진 마법 슬롯마다 카드를 1장씩 뽑습니다(최대 5장). 이미 차지되어 있는 당신의 마법 슬롯마다, 당신의 손에서 카드를 1장씩 선택해서 버립니다.

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황혼은 새벽을 잉태하나니.
세계가 변화할 조수를 통해 /
영원히 불멸할 힘을 주소서.
Anders Finer
진홍색 열쇠 조사자 확장 #86.
섬뜩한 입회


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This card gets new life with the addition of Occult Reliquary to the game, becoming essentially a cheaper Preposterous Sketches that doesn't need a clue for those early turns when you're fishing for your spells to put down. Granted it does start to fall off when you're already in a good position but the card makes for good mitigation as a floor even before you consider the decks where you're playing Astral Mirror and want to be playing the many cards that can increase your slots.

Spamamdorf · 5
I think that's quite expensive life this one gets with Occult Reliquary. It's 3 exp, that's not cheap. Mystics already have a good draw with tabooed Scroll of Secrets which doesn't need any additional card to include (and to purchase for precious exp) to work. Yes, it does occupy hand slot but in Mystic you like always have a spare hand. This could be good in some decks but definitely not an auto include in most I think. — bugiel_marek · 23
Yes I suppose I neglected to mention that this is for decks that are buying occult reliquary anyways for their blessed and cursed assets, and not to spend 3 xp solely to improve this level 0 card. — Spamamdorf · 5

A basic analysis would say you need to draw at least 3, probably 4 to make this even worth considering. You spend an action to play this card, this card itself is lost, and you pay 1 resource (worth approx. 0.5 to 1 action). If you only draw 2 or less, you probably wouldve been better off just using the draw card action.

You can't choose to discard weaknesses so its not useful on that front either. Low arcane slot mystics is currently a rare archetype but obviously pairs with Binder's Jar and Explosive Ward.

Might find a home in Amina Zidane since she doesn't have the willpower for the typical spells, or a Dragon Pole Lily Chen deck? I think at the moment it might be a bit too hard to setup for too little payoff.

fates · 54
Sefina with the jar or Astral Mirror? — MrGoldbee · 1473
Remember that you can discard other cards than the ones you drew. This means you can cycle through your deck, looking for the best card in your current situation. Still not great, though. — andreasskovse · 15