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체력: 5. 정신력: 9.

당신이 자산 하나를 플레이할 때: 그 자산의 자원 비용을 3만큼 낮춥니다. 그 자산은 파멸이 1개 놓인 상태로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다. (라운드당 1번 한정.)

효과: +2. 당신은 자신이 위치한 장소에 있는 카드 하나에 놓인 모든 파멸을, 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 다른 카드 하나에게로 이동시켜도 됩니다.

“저건 제게 무슨 말을 하려는 걸까요?”
Aleksander Karcz
진홍색 열쇠 조사자 확장 #11.

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덱 크기: 30장.

덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 신비주의자 카드(), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드, 레벨 0-4 부적 카드.

덱 구성 요구조건 (덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 비통의 언령, 희락의 언령, 귀가 멀 듯한 정적, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.

프랑스 점령기의 알제리에서 온 난민인 아미나는 혈혈단신으로 아컴에 정착하게 되었다. 6년 후 아미나는 날카로운 두뇌와 전문적인 기술을 발휘하여, 마침내 미스캐토닉 계곡 전화국의 교환대 앞을 차지할 수 있었다. 그러나 일을 시작한 지 얼마 되지 않아, 아미나는 알아들을 수 없는 언어로 된 신호를 포착하기 시작했다. 이 왜곡된 언어와 도저히 원인을 알 수 없는 잡음은 어느 곳에도 연결되지 않은 회선에서 나오고 있었으며, 아미나가 수신하는 즉시 멈춰버리고 말았다. 이처럼 정체를 알 수 없는 전화의 빈도가 점차 잦아지자, 아미나는 그 원인을 찾아 나섰다. 아미나는 신호가 들려오는 회선을 찾아 내선에 연결하고서 귀를 기울였다. 수화기 반대편에서 들리는 이질적인 언어는 한 마디도 이해할 수 없었지만, 그 무시무시한 단어에 진정한 권능이 담겨있다는 것은 알아차릴 수 있었다.
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(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: I have a a couple questions about the timing and resolution of Amina Zidane's signature events Word of Weal and Word of Woe. Word of Weal states "Fast. Play when you perform a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it." Is this to be interpreted as "play during a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it" and as such is played during one of the two player windows before and after committing skills? Or is it to be interpreted as "when a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it begins" since the word "when" indicates the moment when something would happen but before resolving its impact on the game state. Additionally for both Word of Weal and Word of Woe, when do we resolve the clause that shuffles the other into your deck if it is present in your discard pile? For Word of Woe it's not clear to me whether you shuffle Word of Weal into your deck after completing the action triggered ability in full, or in between placing the doom and resolving the action triggered ability. For Word of Weal, it's likewise not clear to me whether you shuffle Word of Woe into your deck immediately (or rather after creating the lasting/delayed effect to add your Willpower to the skill test being performed), or after completing the skill test being performed. A: Word of Weal can be played during either free player window of a skill test, so long as there is doom on the chosen asset by the time of playing. Once you’ve used its ability to add willpower to your skill value, you can shuffle Word of Woe into your deck if able; you do not wait until after you’ve resolved the test. Word of Woe can shuffle Word of Weal into your deck after you’ve fully resolved the ability on the chosen asset. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
Last updated


This Review is only focused on the inclusion of "Charm cards level 0-4".

Charm cards level 0-4 includes (at the time of writing) every Charm card in the game... Except of course Zoey's Cross.

Some of the more interesting options this gives her include:

-Upgrading from Holy Rosary into Holy Rosary.

-Being able to Research Dream Diary.

-Every variant of Grisly Totem.

-"Lucky" Penny

-Nightmare Bauble

Given the large amount of Accessory Charm cards, I don't think access to off-class Charm cards is of much use without running Relic Hunter or The Hierophant.

The only Charm cards that are both off-class and not Accessories are Obsidian Bracelet and Dream Diary (at time of writing).

Although this does allow for upgrading Lucky Cigarette Case, Dream Diary, Grisly Totem, Cherished Keepsake, Rabbit's Foot, and Holy Rosary via Down the Rabbit Hole.

NorainJS · 59
While it doesn't particularly play with her ability, Dream Diary allows her to take any test at 5+ once per turn. Pretty excellent use of a handslot if you aren't determined to use all the new Doom assets. — housh · 171

Make way, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, there's a new (un)Holy Trinity in town.

Use Cat Mask offerings to turn Amina's miserable stats into respectable 5 or 5.

When you're out of offerings, add doom to Blood Pact for the same bonus... replenishing Cat Mask offerings.

Sin-Eater removes the icky doom that's lingering around (and incidentally can also refresh Cat Mask offerings).

With a bit of careful sequencing, this lets Amina test at base 7 and 7 for damn near every test. This opens up lots of options for Amina, including:

And on top of that, Amina can play assets at a 3-resource discount! (Be aware that Amina's ability causes the asset to enter play with the doom, and so doesn't trigger Cat Mask, but moving it onto a fresh Sin-Eater will).

Edit: Amina might trigger Cat Mask. Check the comments below!

...There's a downside though, which is that it's kind of tricky to assemble. There are two problems:

  1. Sin-Eater costs 6xp (and the permanent Blood Pact costs another 3xp)
  2. You need to find Cat Mask (and potentially Blood Pact)

Solving the second problem means card draw and tutoring. Scroll of Secrets and Scroll of Prophecies both draw quickly through the deck, and Backpack ties it all together. All of it discounted by Amina!

The experience problem isn't really solvable in deck-building. Needing to play the first scenario without Sin-Eater is... grim. There have been some suggestions floating around of "fixing" Amina by having her start with 5xp like some other investigators, or by having her start with Sin-Eater itself. You can figure out what your group enjoys!

I hope people will give Amina another go! I'm not going to lie, she's pretty bad, but with the new toys, she's no longer a deadweight and can hold her own, with a fun and unique doom-management mini-game.

Remember to pack your Wards of Protection! Always practice Ancient Evils safety!

Frost · 272
You can also add Sign Magic (3) to trigger the Sin Eater for free. — Tharzax · 1
FWIW there is an existing email ruling out there that amina's ability does trigger cat mask. but its one of those email rulings that you just have to decide if you're table is going to squint and believe because it doesn't really make sense and hasn't made it to a proper faq or anything yet — NarkasisBroon · 10
It was given on 24th January 2024, and I haven't seen it be corrected since, but I might have missed it. — NarkasisBroon · 10
That's a disgusting review. It's truly sad in this this hypocritical world, where people can be fined 150000+ Canadian dollars for not using the "correct" pronouns , and everyone wants to talk about love and inclusivity, yet the amount of slurs and dissing of my Heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High and anything related to the Bible is astounding. I hope you come to know the everlasting love of our Father YAH Most High and his only begotten son Messiah Yahushua. Shalom — Quantallar · 8

Tldr Amina is a bad version of Marie.

Full review...

Base stats Taking a squared stat line of her (square all stats and add together, which imo is a more accurate estimation of min/max potential) she's a 36, whereas Marie is at a 43. Marie is hence the winner.

Playstyle They both play a high risk game with doom on investigator assets. Amina reduces card cost, while Marie gets bonus actions for having any card with doom. Since you can take blood pact at level zero, Marie wins and her passive will see far more use.

Deckbuilding Amina takes charms, which are rather useless. Mystics already have contested spots for charms, and this just adds off class options to her that ultimately don't improve her basic abilities... spells.

Signature Assets

Marie can force stop doom from advancing the agenda at any point. If you mess up your doom manipulation, Marie can pardon this. Or you can go heavy doom in a witching hour, and then play her signature go give you another witching hour turn, risk free.

Amina's signatures just add doom to play all the time. Since she can't really cast meaningful spells with a 3 in charisma, it's not clear these assets do her any favors.


Baron Samedi is actually an asset for Marie in that he can proc her passive at any time. He can force the agenda to advance, but only if you mess the math up.

Deafening Silence on the other hand can make all the accumulated doom add up, immediately. It's like Cursed Memory, but worse.

Overall Rank: C.

Amina tries to fill a niche other mystics have already perfected. Although she can be effective, pretty much everything she can do can be done by Marie, better.

drjones87 · 194
I think there's a couple points in your review that are unfair to her, but don't get wrong, I agree that she's pretty much useless. You can't try to play her like your average Mystic and just pump your Will, and I think that's what they were going for with her 1.) statline 2.) new doom-focused tools, and 3.) access to charms. All of those allow her to buff and test her NON-Will stats as needed. However, for all the doom she's constantly playing around with, she accomplishes disappointingly little. The resources she saves don't really have anywhere to go to give her the edge she needs (unlike Jenny Barnes whose card pool 100% enables that), and Marie Lambeau plays the same doom game with greater rewards, honestly (extra actions are nice). So yea, Amina feels like she may have worked if she was, like, one of the first five investigators of the game, but even then she would quickly be outclassed by gators who DON'T play with doom. — TheDoc37 · 468
They tried to make Amina more playable by including Elle in the set. Unfortunately it just makes Marie so much better. Stick a 1 Doom Abyssal Tome under Elle for a +3/+1 attack every round to proc her extra action for the rest of the game without affecting the Agenda. There's no comparison and with the recent Taboo boost for Lola, I think Marie is now the worst investigator in the game. — MindControlMouse · 44

Seems unplayable, particularly on expert. Her sub seems almost useless. 3 stat line is horrific. Apart from extra resource generation, and some synergy with the new doom cards in scarlet keys, I think a she will only find play in normal campaigns.

AussieKSU · 1104
I'm sorry, her Sub? what does that mean? — Zerogrim · 295
Sub class? As in hee charm access. — Therealestize · 73
If that's, what Aussie meant: I think, Dream Diary might be really good in her. At least it would offset her weak stats by a good amount. — Susumu · 372
She also has access to some promissing power to translate it, should she not have help of a seeker. — Susumu · 372
There are new cards to let you manipulate doom — RexMars · 2
Haven't played with her but I agree she looks pretty awful to me. Her stat line and deck building is so bad, she can't make use of most mystic cards (since they focus on willpower). Her ability to reduce cost is mostly not useful since she can't actually make good use of the expensive cards (mostly spells). She doesn't get much benefit for having doom in play either which is inherently dangerous. — fates · 54