- Q: I have a question about effects that "end your turn". I'm the last investigator to take a turn during a round; I play "Let God sort them out...", which immediately ends my turn. Is there a player window after this action and before the end of the investigation phase? (Obviously any such window wouldn't be during my turn any more.) In other words, after playing Let God Sort Them Out with an action in step 2.2.1, does the game sequence continue as normal and return to the previous player window, or does "immediately end your turn" skip the sequence ahead to step 2.2.2? If it skips ahead, how would this interact with effects that end your turn at unusual times (e.g. drawing a symbol on Rite of Seeking during an action taken in the mythos phase with Quick Thinking?) A:
- If you were the last investigator to take a turn and played “Let God sort them out…”, your turn would end. Referencing Appendix II: Timing and Gameplay, you would resolve step 2.2.2, which checks that everyone has taken a turn, then proceed to step 2.3, the official end of the investigation phase. There are no player windows following the last player’s turn ending; the Enemy Phase begins instead.
- If you use Quick Thinking during the Mythos Phase and activate Rite of Seeking, the text at the end of Rite of Seeking has no additional effect, because you haven’t “taken a turn” and you don’t have any additional actions to lose. You would simply investigate, determine if you succeed or fail, then continue with the Mythos Phase.
자산. 마법
비용: 4. XP: 2.
사용(충전 3회).
충전을 1회 소비합니다: 조사. 이번 조사는 대신 를 사용합니다. 당신은 이번 능력 테스트에서 +2 를 얻습니다. 성공하면, 이 장소에서 추가로 단서를 1개 더 발견합니다. 이번 테스트 동안 , , , , 기호가 공개되면, 이번 테스트를 해결한 후 남은 행동을 모두 잃고 즉시 당신의 차례가 끝납니다.

연관된 카드
- Rite of Seeking (The Dunwich Legacy #28)
- Rite of Seeking (2) (Revised Core Set #189)
- Rite of Seeking (4) (Undimensioned and Unseen #233)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This card bonkers.
In 2P, mystics sometimes upgrade Rite of Seeking to the level 4 version just for the sake of the +2 boost. The third clue is often wasted, and the extra cost is painful. People still do this because the +2 is such a critical buff. Combined with other buffs (Holy Rosary, David Renfield, etc.), it makes even high shroud investigate tests trivial. The level 2 version solves all the problems. It has much lower costs, compared with the level 4 version, and give just what is needed: the +2 boost.
As an intermediate upgrade, the level 2 version can help when you don't have enough xp to directly upgrade to the level 4 version. In case you have exactly 4 xp, upgrading 2 Rite of Seekings to level 2 is also better to consistently get the +2, against upgrading 1 copy to level 4. It also synergizes with Arcane Research. Now you can upgrade 2 copies of Rite of Seeking to level 4 with 0xp total (across 4 scenarios)!
Being level 2, the card could be used by off-class mystics. Not sure if Daisy Walker would use this, but Sefina Rousseau definitely love this upgrade. Hell, this may even encourage her to take Arcane Research, since now she has 2 very strong targets (along with Ward of Protection).
Not sure I like the power level of the card, but I guess this is how FFG seduces min-maxers to buy the Return to Dunwich box :P