울타르의 바보 고양이

자산. 조력자

조력자. 생물. 몽환의 땅.

비용: 4.

체력: 1. 정신력: 4.

캐롤린 펀 전용. 대체물.

‘멍청이’는 공포가 3 놓인 채로 플레이 영역에 들어옵니다. 이 카드에 놓인 공포를 ‘캐롤린 펀’에게 놓인 것 처럼 회복할 수 있습니다. ‘멍청이’에게 공포가 놓여있지 않으면, 당신은 모든 능력에 +1을 얻습니다.

"Will we need to save you again?" Foolishness flicked his tail back and forth. "Perhaps. Perhaps I'll do the saving."
Tiffany Turrill
검은 바람에 맞서서 #11.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • "As If": This was added to the FAQ (v.1.7, March 2020) and then amended (v.1.8, October 2020). You can read the October ruling on the ArkhamDB rules page here. (I'm adding a hyperlink rather than retyping the rules in case in future the ruling is changed or amended - at that point, the rules page will be updated and all ArkhamDB FAQ entries will link to the correct ruling.)
Last updated


+1 to all skills is pretty nice, and Dr. Fern can't take Crystalline Elder Sign, but this card is moderately expensive (although Carolyn has good economy, made better by targets for horror healing), slow to get moving (a whole turn of actions to get to full), and your ultra-valuable ally slot is filled with soak that you can't rely on too much. This, coupled with a signature weakness that usually ranges from alarming to deadly, makes Foolishness an expensive add to a Carolyn deck. Probably best to stick with the "box" signature set.

With more XP you can heal sanity more efficiently and gain ressources quicker, which makes the cat easier to trigger and the bonus is pretty good. — Django · 5114
I feel like this is one of those signature cards where it is cooler than it is effective (at least in regards to the weakness). Duke is cooler than Foolishness but having a pet as your companion that grants you +1 to all skills is so awesome. I will probably only play Carolyn with Foolishness now just because it is so cool. — The Lynx · 980
Only just now noticing that thematically, it really seems like the pairings of Carolyn's signatures should have been swapped... as in, if Rational Thought is a weakness, it stands to reason that Foolishness is a strength. — HanoverFist · 740
That is so brilliant as a comment I think I'm going to start doing it — Lailah · 1

As far as I am concerned, the worst part about this card by far is that Carolyn Fern has no way to take Miss Doyle. It would definitely not be a good deck, but collecting all the kitties would be fun.

Jim_Bob · 11

I think this is an underrated ally for Carolyn.

Although if you look closely, you might realize, why this cat is unbelievable great. Bear in mind, Carolyn's main ability and this little text from FAQ "Other card abilities or game effects do not resolve with the altered game state in mind; only the indicated ability/action." - you get:

If healing two horrors from Carolyn, but actually removing it from both her and her cat, you get two resources, instead of one. Clarity of Mind helps with that))

As a side note - FFG always makes better versions of the personal cards in the books :)

One other thing. You can give your partner investigator this card with Teamwork and heal horror from it as if it were you giving your partner even more resources and a chance of +1 to all skills. And that's totally thematic - like a cat would take your troubles away.

ambiryan13 · 178
I think people would like Foolishness just fine if you didn't have to take the accompanying weakness — Zinjanthropus · 229
Alyssa Graham helps with that :) — ambiryan13 · 178
"Carolyn Fern deck only." Can't share it. — MrGoldbee · 1473