Lola and Sefina Get Two Tickets to Phantom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Lola and Sefina Do Unspeakable Things 1 0 3 1.0
Inspiration for
Lola and Sefina Mask Their Feelings 0 0 0 1.0

Limecrete · 34

*As always, we are playing with one core deck. When a new scenario is opened, we allow ourselves to swap cards out of our decks with cards from the new pack, as long as they're the same xp cost.

I'm always expecting us to go down in flames, and just hope we can contain the damage to some degree. Sometimes, though, Lola and Sefina get through a scenario with flying colors, and we did pretty damned well in The Unspeakable Oath, picking up 5xp on the way. Now, we're off to Paris for A Phantom of Truth to discover more mysteries behind "The King in Yellow". As far as the free card swap described above, I went ahead and dropped No Stone Unturned to pick up a copy of Logical Reasoning, since healing horror has become so important.

2xp went to upgrading my Beat Cop, and another 2xp went to picking up an upgraded copy of Vicious Blow, dropping Smoking Pipe in the process (it's not terribly helpful, since Lola has an equal base value for both physical and mental fortitude).

Sefina is taking care of most our evasion needs, as well as being our spellcaster. She also is able to do some useful clue investigation when Lola is busy punching monsters. Here is my partner's current Sefina Rousseau deck:

Can we possibly continue our success in the next scenario, or will it be...curtains?


Aug 19, 2019 Limecrete · 34

Ah, I forgot to mention having to pick up that Lost Soul treachery - we currently have way more Conviction than Doubt, so we'll have to resolve that test, which won't be too terrible, since Lola has ways of boosting preferred stats over others, and Sefina's Lore stat is thankfully awful.