Akachi Onyele, the Shaman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

orvilee · 755

Sample Starter Decks from Fantasy Flight Player Resources

Akachi is a well-rounded spellcaster with an emphasis on assets that have limited charges. Having a suite of different spell assets with various effects allows you to make use of her high willpower, and extra charges help to ensure that you don’t run out of uses right when you need them most.

This deck is all about spells. Use Arcane Initiate to search for them, Uncage the Soul to play them, and your wealth of willpower icons to support them. As you earn more experience, consider spending most of that experience on additional spells to support different playstyles, so you are ready for anything.

Spirit-Speaker is one of the most important cards in this deck, because it has so many different uses. Use it to bounce a spell with no charges back to your hand so it can be played again, thereby refilling its charges. Or, use it to get rid of a spell you no longer need, and gain some resources in the process. Between Spirit-Speaker, Uncage the Soul, Alchemical Transmutation, Emergency Cache, and Forbidden Knowledge, you should have lots of resources at your disposal. Use these resources along with Arcane Studies to investigate successfully, or to teleport wherever you need to go with Astral Travel.

But, beware: Angered Spirits can show up at any time, demanding you move your charges onto them from your spells. This shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish, but keep in mind that doing so exhausts those assets, many of which need to be ready in order to trigger their abilities.