Skids and the Seekers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zovc · 130

This deck was built to go along with my friends playing Daisy Walker and Rex Murphy. We're playing Dunwich Legacy. (We have access to four Core Sets and two Dunwich Legacies, one of each Mythos Pack besides Lost in Time and Space.)

Daisy and Rex told me I needed to be able to kill stuff and I decided having a bunch of actions might be a way of achieving that.

In the first scenario, I pretty quickly drew a spoiler and became terrified of digging for cards I needed. I used up my .45, and it was pretty much just Leo and I punching things to death while banking on my teammates to get enough clues to make it through the scenario.


Jul 03, 2017 Skid_the_Drifter · 144

Hey there, I saw your post on reddit and thought I'll drop by and try to give few tips, as best as I can. Now, If you and your group want to go through with what you've chosen, that's fine - but it might add up to what may be described as frustrating campaign. Skids, as many mentioned already, is great as an off-hand character. His flaws are pretty awful though: his willpower is quite low, plus he has no access to many guardian goodies that make guardians THE protectors on their team, such as Shotgun, Stand Together or "I've had worse…". If your team wants to roll double seeker, they can't realisticly expect from you to protect them all the time. On awful turn, you might get up to 3 enemies - even with more actions you'll find yourself out of ammo or resources. You mentioned being terrified of digging through your deck: running double Prepared for the Worst helps you get your weapon without the risk of blind drawing. Also, Daisy should consider using Old Book of Lore on you to help with the setup. Looking through your starting deck here I see you've put some emphasis on avoiding enemies: 2x Elusive and Think on Your Feet take 4 spots in your deck that don't help you do the thing you're meant to do: kill monsters, protect your team. For relatively immediate upgrades consider Streetwise and Hot Streak. They both help you with being able to afford your setup AND pumping up those fight skill tests. Since Streetwise is permanent, you don't have to dig through your deck to get Physical Training or Hard Knocks.

As for your friends, Disc of Itzamna might go a long way. In team composition, I have a rule of 1 to 1: One protector on one clue-gatherer. You mentioned that your friends had to split cards anyway: you might always suggest Daisy to take more of a supportive role, so that she can do some fighting with Shrivelling or upgraded Strange Solution and some fishing with Old Book of Lore, and leave Rex to be your main clue-gatherer. Food for thought. Some people enjoy playing unusual combos, but it can be more difficult than it first appears. If that spoils the game for you, take a step back and think how to make it more approachable. Good luck to you and your friends!

Jul 03, 2017 Skid_the_Drifter · 144

I derped on Streetwise, my apologies. It's still very good though, because it makes life easier for when you drop those evading cards, for the small chance that you will want to evade something, rather than kill.