[sarnetsky] William Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pentakill Yorick 0 0 0 1.0

Eugene of Sarnath · 43


Unexpected CourageCornered (2)
Lucky!Lucky! (2)
Guard DogBrother Xavier (1)
Improvised WeaponFlare (1)
Peter SylvestrePeter Sylvestre (2)


All hand assets have a discard option as they can be taken back or even played from discard pile.

Take Heart helps to get more cards in hand to fuel Cornered (2) and Resourceful returns valuables from the discard, like situational Waylay and "Look what I found!"

Discarded Cherished Keepsake is just a horror soak that gets back from discard for no additional cost.

Lucky! and Live and Learn work similarly, but are different. Lucky! is for situations when failure is not desirable (like encounter tests or fighting retaliating enemy). Live and Learn works good with Take Heart and for no-failure repeatable tests like investigation.