Njestov · 35
This is a work in progress with the aim to support 'Leo picks a fight (https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/942840)' and 'Carolyn helps her team mates along (https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/942687)' decks.
I've taken a lot of inspiration from the following Pete decks 'Clue Hound "Trash Can" Pete', 'Hello ? Yes, this is dog', '"Trash Can" Pete - Dogmentation (Beginner friendly demo set', and probably a few others
Things that I am still to figure out:
1)Too many assets?
2) Does Pete need Knife to ensure he gets a weapon out 'early'?
3) Is another ally needed?
4) Does any on the following cards fit better;
David Renfield with Smoking Pipe and/or Calling in Favors to generate LOTS of resource and then get rid of David Renfield as shown in 'Hello ? Yes, this is dog' (https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/4233)